// Base URL
$baseUrl = 'http://api.fitbit.com';
// Request token path
$req_url = $baseUrl . '/oauth/request_token';
// Authorization path
$authurl = $baseUrl . '/oauth/authorize';
// Access token path
$acc_url = $baseUrl . '/oauth/access_token';
// Consumer key
$conskey = <CONSUMER KEY>
// Consumer secret
$conssec = <CONSUMER SECRET>
// Start session to store the information between calls
// In state=1 the next request should include an oauth_token.
// If it doesn't go back to 0
if ( !isset($_GET['oauth_token']) && $_SESSION['state']==1 ) $_SESSION['state'] = 0;
// Create OAuth object
// Enable ouath debug (should be disabled in production)
if ( $_SESSION['state'] == 0 )
// Getting request token. Callback URL is the Absolute URL to which the server provder will redirect the User back when the obtaining user authorization step is completed.
$request_token_info = $oauth->getRequestToken($req_url, $callbackUrl);
// Storing key and state in a session.
$_SESSION['secret'] = $request_token_info['oauth_token_secret'];
$_SESSION['state'] = 1;
// Redirect to the authorization.
header('Location: '.$authurl.'?oauth_token='.$request_token_info['oauth_token']);
else if ( $_SESSION['state']==1 )
// Authorized. Getting access token and secret
$access_token_info = $oauth->getAccessToken($acc_url);
// Storing key and state in a session.
$_SESSION['state'] = 2;
$_SESSION['token'] = $access_token_info['oauth_token'];
$_SESSION['secret'] = $access_token_info['oauth_token_secret'];
// Setting asccess token to the OAuth object
echo "oauth_token:" . $access_token_info['oauth_token'];
echo "<br>" ;
echo "oauth_secret:" . $access_token_info['oauth_token_secret'];
catch( OAuthException $E )
require 'fitbitphp.cls.php' ;
$fitbit = new FitBitPHP('<consumerkey>', '<consumer secret>');
$fitbit->setOAuthDetails('<oauth token>', '<oauth secret>');
$xml = $fitbit->getProfile();
//$xml2 = simplexml_load_string($xml);
//echo "<br><br>";
//echo "<br><br>";
echo $xml2->asXML();
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