FYI: Qubino power reports and Zwave congestion

Tout ce qui concerne l'usage des périphériques radios Z-Wave avec eedomus

FYI: Qubino power reports and Zwave congestion

Messagepar Horia » 10 Oct 2017 10:25


I thought sharing my experience.

In summary I noticed that Qubino relays and dimmers with version 1.3 have aggresive (5 min) periodic power reports enabled by default which risks congesting the Z-wave network. In my case, I have about 30 actuatators like these, and about 30 sensors that report on light/temperature/movement. I also had polling enabled for the Qubino acturators at 1h intervals.

For the 1 relay/dimmer the parameter for time interval reporting is 42 with 2 decimal format. For the 2 relays the relevant parameters are 42 and 43, both are 2 decimal. For now I set them to 3600 seconds reporting time interval, but time interval reporting can be disabled by setting them to 0. Power reporting is still active on power consumtion change. I left them with 1h reporting, while I disabled polling, and during absence is easier to troubleshoot if one is faulty.

My regards, Horia
Maison avec eedomus+, 200 dispositifs(60 en zwave/+, 10 en RFXcom, 5 cameras, les restes virtuel), automatisation éclairage, sécurité maison, environnement, access, chauffage, notifications, agenda.
Messages : 129
Inscription : 26 Jan 2016

Re: FYI: Qubino power reports and Zwave congestion

Messagepar Horia » 10 Oct 2017 11:18

Just an update for my context: I finally decided to disable the power reporting by time interval while I re-enabled the 1h polling to get a consistent troubleshooting experience.
Maison avec eedomus+, 200 dispositifs(60 en zwave/+, 10 en RFXcom, 5 cameras, les restes virtuel), automatisation éclairage, sécurité maison, environnement, access, chauffage, notifications, agenda.
Messages : 129
Inscription : 26 Jan 2016

Re: FYI: Qubino power reports and Zwave congestion

Messagepar Horia » 10 Oct 2017 15:04

Two more update:
- I asked the eedomus team to add additional options for polling settings like 3h and 6h to allow us to scale the monitoring of devices with less impact on Z-wave traffic.
- I also asked them to correct the Qubino Zwave commands in UI.

[TICKET #41293] Please update the Zwave commands for Qubino 1 relay and dry relay
[TICKET #46904] 6h and 3h polling intervals for operational monitoring

Regards, Horia
Maison avec eedomus+, 200 dispositifs(60 en zwave/+, 10 en RFXcom, 5 cameras, les restes virtuel), automatisation éclairage, sécurité maison, environnement, access, chauffage, notifications, agenda.
Messages : 129
Inscription : 26 Jan 2016

Re: FYI: Qubino power reports and Zwave congestion

Messagepar Horia » 28 Oct 2017 12:06

Few more updates while I saw threads about delayed and error-ed actions, these may help:
- I changed polling to 24h and the quality view still reports 100% even that times for last communication may vary, for example in my case awnings controlling relays now only reply after 24h, relays activating lights a lot more often.
- I updated all Qubino and Aotec GEN5 plugs to report large power increments hence only 100% deviations. LEDs and CFL bring variation in power consumption and increasing reports with the default setting for % change of power use.

Result: After a week, I see just few sub second noticeable but not humanly disturbing delays in rules and actions. As for false triggered actions, I haven't seen any since.

Hope is useful, Horia
Maison avec eedomus+, 200 dispositifs(60 en zwave/+, 10 en RFXcom, 5 cameras, les restes virtuel), automatisation éclairage, sécurité maison, environnement, access, chauffage, notifications, agenda.
Messages : 129
Inscription : 26 Jan 2016

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