$mp3[$i] = file_get_contents('http://api.voicerss.org/?key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&f=44khz_16bit_stereo&hl=fr-fr&src='.$words[$i].'&tl='.$lang);
// Exemple de l'utilisation de la fonction Text-to-speech
$IP_sonos_1 = "192.168.xx.xx"; // A adapter avec l'adresse IP du Sonos à contrôler
$directory = "diskstation/web/sonos";
$volume = 0;
$force_unmute = 0;
if (isset($_GET['ip'])) $IP_sonos_1 = $_GET['ip'];
if (isset($_GET['force_unmute'])) $force_unmute = $_GET['force_unmute']; // Force la désactivation de la sourdine. Optionnel
if (isset($_GET['volume'])) $volume = $_GET['volume']; // Niveau sonore. Optionnel.
$message = $_GET['message']; // Message à diffuser
echo $volume;
echo $force_unmute;
echo "message :".$message;
echo "IP:".$IP_sonos_1;
//Instanciation de la classe
$sonos_1 = new SonosPHPController($IP_sonos_1);
$sonos_1->PlayTTS($message,$directory,$volume,$force_unmute); //Lecture du message
public function PlayTTS($message,$directory,$volume=0,$unmute=0,$lang='fr')
echo "\r\n- PlayTTS()".$message." - ".$directory." - ".$volume." - ".$unmute." - ".$lang."\r\n";
$actual['track'] = $this->GetPositionInfo();
$actual['volume'] = $this->GetVolume();
$actual['mute'] = $this->GetMute();
$actual['status'] = $this->GetTransportInfo();
if ($unmute == 1)
if ($volume != 0)
echo $actual['track'];
echo $actual['volume'];
echo $actual['mute'];
echo $actual['status'];
If ((stripos($message,".mp3")) !== false)
// Code permettant de lire le fichier MP3 si message contient ".mp3"
$file = 'x-file-cifs://'.$directory.'/audio/'.$message;
// Commande permettant la traduction texte en MP3
$file = 'x-file-cifs://'.$directory.'/'.$this->TTSToMp3($message,$lang);
// Si message = "TTS" alors utilise le MP3 genere par l'eedomus
// MP3 a generer par l'Eedomus avant le lancement de ce script (IP local de l'EEDOMUS)
if ($message == "TTS") $file="http://192.168.xx.xxx/audio/_tts.wav" ;
echo $file ;
if ((stripos($actual['track']["TrackURI"],"radio://")) !== false)
//It's a radio
echo "It's a radio only";
while ($this->GetTransportInfo() == "PLAYING") {}
if (((stripos($actual['track']["TrackURI"],"x-file-cifs://")) !== false) or ((stripos($actual['track']["TrackURI"],".mp3")) !== false) or ((stripos($actual['track']["TrackURI"],"spotify")) !== false))
// It's a MP3 file or playlist Spotify
echo "It's a MP3 file or playlist Spotify";
$TrackNumber = $this->AddURIToQueue($file);
while (true) {
//It's a radio / or TV (playbar) / or nothing
echo "It's a radio / or TV (playbar) / or nothing";
while ($this->GetTransportInfo() == "PLAYING") {}
if (strcmp($actual['status'],"PLAYING") == 0)
return true;
// Code from https://github.com/DjMomo/sonos
// Exemple de l'utilisation de la fonction Text-to-speech
$directory = "ipsyno/web/sonos"; // Indiquer ici le dossier partage contenant les scrips PHP sonos (et qui contiendra le sous-dossier audio)
$ttsengine = 'acapela'; // Indiquer ici le moteur vocal a utiliser (google ou acapela)
$lang = 'fr';
$volume = 30; // De 0 a 100 %
$force_unmute = 1;
$IP_sonos = "192.168.x.xx"; // A adapter avec l'adresse IP du Sonos a controler
if (isset($_GET['force_unmute'])) $force_unmute = $_GET['force_unmute']; // Force la desactivation de la sourdine. Optionnel
if (isset($_GET['volume'])) $volume = $_GET['volume']; // Niveau sonore. Optionnel.
$message = $_GET['message']; // Message a diffuser
// Instanciation de la classe
$sonos = new SonosPHPController($IP_sonos);
$sonos->PlayTTS($message,$directory,$volume,$force_unmute,$lang,$ttsengine); // Lecture du message
class SonosPHPController
protected $Sonos_IP;
protected $_raw = [];
* Constructeur
* @param string Sonos IP adress
* @param string Sonos port (optional)
public function __construct($Sonos_IP,$Sonos_Port = '1400')
// On assigne les param�tres aux variables d'instance.
$this->IP = $Sonos_IP;
$this->PORT = $Sonos_Port;
protected function Upnp($url,$SOAP_service,$SOAP_action,$SOAP_arguments = '',$XML_filter = '')
$POST_xml = '<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" s:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/">';
$POST_xml .= '<s:Body>';
$POST_xml .= '<u:'.$SOAP_action.' xmlns:u="'.$SOAP_service.'">';
$POST_xml .= $SOAP_arguments;
$POST_xml .= '</u:'.$SOAP_action.'>';
$POST_xml .= '</s:Body>';
$POST_xml .= '</s:Envelope>';
$POST_url = $this->IP.":".$this->PORT.$url;
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $POST_url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-Type: text/xml", "SOAPAction: ".$SOAP_service."#".$SOAP_action));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $POST_xml);
$r = curl_exec($ch);
if ($XML_filter != '')
return $this->Filter($r,$XML_filter);
return $r;
protected function Filter($subject,$pattern)
preg_match('/\<'.$pattern.'\>(.+)\<\/'.$pattern.'\>/',$subject,$matches); ///'/\<'.$pattern.'\>(.+)\<\/'.$pattern.'\>/'
return $matches[1];
* Play
public function Play()
$url = '/MediaRenderer/AVTransport/Control';
$action = 'Play';
$service = 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1';
$args = '<InstanceID>0</InstanceID><Speed>1</Speed>';
return $this->Upnp($url,$service,$action,$args);
* Pause
public function Pause()
$url = '/MediaRenderer/AVTransport/Control';
$action = 'Pause';
$service = 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1';
$args = '<InstanceID>0</InstanceID>';
return $this->Upnp($url,$service,$action,$args);
* Stop
public function Stop()
$url = '/MediaRenderer/AVTransport/Control';
$action = 'Stop';
$service = 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1';
$args = '<InstanceID>0</InstanceID>';
return $this->Upnp($url,$service,$action,$args);
* Next
public function Next()
$url = '/MediaRenderer/AVTransport/Control';
$action = 'Next';
$service = 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1';
$args = '<InstanceID>0</InstanceID>';
return $this->Upnp($url,$service,$action,$args);
* Previous
public function Previous()
$url = '/MediaRenderer/AVTransport/Control';
$action = 'Previous';
$service = 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1';
$args = '<InstanceID>0</InstanceID>';
return $this->Upnp($url,$service,$action,$args);
* Seek to position xx:xx:xx or track number x
* @param string 'REL_TIME' for time position (xx:xx:xx) or 'TRACK_NR' for track in actual queue
* @param string
public function Seek($type,$position)
$url = '/MediaRenderer/AVTransport/Control';
$action = 'Seek';
$service = 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1';
$args = '<InstanceID>0</InstanceID><Unit>'.$type.'</Unit><Target>'.$position.'</Target>';
return $this->Upnp($url,$service,$action,$args);
* Seek to time xx:xx:xx
public function SeekTime($time)
return $this->Seek("REL_TIME",$time);
* Change to track number
public function ChangeTrack($number)
return $this->Seek("TRACK_NR",$number);
* Restart actual track
public function RestartTrack()
return $this->Seek("REL_TIME","00:00:00");
* Restart actual queue
public function RestartQueue()
return $this->Seek("TRACK_NR","1");
* Get volume value (0-100)
public function GetVolume()
$url = '/MediaRenderer/RenderingControl/Control';
$action = 'GetVolume';
$service = 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1';
$args = '<InstanceID>0</InstanceID><Channel>Master</Channel>';
$filter = 'CurrentVolume';
return $this->Upnp($url,$service,$action,$args,$filter);
* Set volume value (0-100)
public function SetVolume($volume)
$url = '/MediaRenderer/RenderingControl/Control';
$action = 'SetVolume';
$service = 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1';
$args = '<InstanceID>0</InstanceID><Channel>Master</Channel><DesiredVolume>'.$volume.'</DesiredVolume>';
return $this->Upnp($url,$service,$action,$args);
* Get mute status
public function GetMute()
$url = '/MediaRenderer/RenderingControl/Control';
$action = 'GetMute';
$service = 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1';
$args = '<InstanceID>0</InstanceID><Channel>Master</Channel>';
$filter = 'CurrentMute';
return $this->Upnp($url,$service,$action,$args,$filter);
* Set mute
* @param integer mute active=1
public function SetMute($mute = 0)
$url = '/MediaRenderer/RenderingControl/Control';
$action = 'SetMute';
$service = 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1';
$args = '<InstanceID>0</InstanceID><Channel>Master</Channel><DesiredMute>'.$mute.'</DesiredMute>';
return $this->Upnp($url,$service,$action,$args);
* Get Transport Info : get status about player
public function GetTransportInfo()
$url = '/MediaRenderer/AVTransport/Control';
$action = 'GetTransportInfo';
$service = 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1';
$args = '<InstanceID>0</InstanceID>';
$filter = 'CurrentTransportState';
return $this->Upnp($url,$service,$action,$args,$filter);
* Get Media Info : get informations about media
public function GetMediaInfo()
$url = '/MediaRenderer/AVTransport/Control';
$action = 'GetMediaInfo';
$service = 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1';
$args = '<InstanceID>0</InstanceID>';
$filter = 'CurrentURI';
return $this->Upnp($url,$service,$action,$args,$filter);
* Get Position Info : get some informations about track
public function GetPositionInfo()
$url = '/MediaRenderer/AVTransport/Control';
$action = 'GetPositionInfo';
$service = 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1';
$args = '<InstanceID>0</InstanceID>';
$xml = $this->Upnp($url,$service,$action,$args);
$data["TrackNumberInQueue"] = $this->Filter($xml,"Track");
$data["TrackURI"] = $this->Filter($xml,"TrackURI");
$data["TrackDuration"] = $this->Filter($xml,"TrackDuration");
$data["RelTime"] = $this->Filter($xml,"RelTime");
$TrackMetaData = $this->Filter($xml,"TrackMetaData");
$xml = substr($xml, stripos($TrackMetaData, '<'));
$xml = substr($xml, 0, strrpos($xml, '>') + 4);
$xml = str_replace(array("<", ">", """, "&", "%3a", "%2f", "%25"), array("<", ">", "\"", "&", ":", "/", "%"), $xml);
$data["Title"] = $this->Filter($xml,"dc:title"); // Track Title
$data["AlbumArtist"] = $this->Filter($xml,"r:albumArtist"); // Album Artist
$data["Album"] = $this->Filter($xml,"upnp:album"); // Album Title
$data["TitleArtist"] = $this->Filter($xml,"dc:creator"); // Track Artist
return $data;
* Add URI to Queue
* @param string track/radio URI
* @param bool added next (=1) or end queue (=0)
public function AddURIToQueue($URI,$next=0)
$url = '/MediaRenderer/AVTransport/Control';
$action = 'AddURIToQueue';
$service = 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1';
$next = (int)$next;
$args = '<InstanceID>0</InstanceID><EnqueuedURI>'.$URI.'</EnqueuedURI><EnqueuedURIMetaData></EnqueuedURIMetaData><DesiredFirstTrackNumberEnqueued>0</DesiredFirstTrackNumberEnqueued><EnqueueAsNext>'.$next.'</EnqueueAsNext>';
$filter = 'FirstTrackNumberEnqueued';
return $this->Upnp($url,$service,$action,$args,$filter);
* Remove a track from Queue
public function RemoveTrackFromQueue($tracknumber)
$url = '/MediaRenderer/AVTransport/Control';
$action = 'RemoveTrackFromQueue';
$service = 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1';
$args = '<InstanceID>0</InstanceID><ObjectID>Q:0/'.$tracknumber.'</ObjectID>';
return $this->Upnp($url,$service,$action,$args);
* Clear Queue
public function RemoveAllTracksFromQueue()
$url = '/MediaRenderer/AVTransport/Control';
$action = 'RemoveAllTracksFromQueue';
$service = 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1';
$args = '<InstanceID>0</InstanceID>';
return $this->Upnp($url,$service,$action,$args);
* Set Queue
* @param string URI of new track
public function SetQueue($URI)
$url = '/MediaRenderer/AVTransport/Control';
$action = 'SetAVTransportURI';
$service = 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1';
$args = '<InstanceID>0</InstanceID><CurrentURI>'.$URI.'</CurrentURI><CurrentURIMetaData></CurrentURIMetaData>';
return $this->Upnp($url,$service,$action,$args);
* Refresh music library
public function RefreshShareIndex()
$url = '/MediaServer/ContentDirectory/Control';
$action = 'RefreshShareIndex';
$service = 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1';
return $this->Upnp($url,$service,$action,$args);
* Get Transport Settings : get PlayMode about player
public function GetPlayMode() {
$url = '/MediaRenderer/AVTransport/Control';
$action = 'GetTransportSettings';
$service = 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1';
$args = '<InstanceID>0</InstanceID>';
$filter = 'PlayMode';
return $this->Upnp($url,$service,$action,$args,$filter);
* Set Transport Settings : set PlayMode about player
public function SetPlayMode($playmode="NORMAL") {
$url = '/MediaRenderer/AVTransport/Control';
$action = 'SetPlayMode';
$service = 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1';
$args = '<InstanceID>0</InstanceID><NewPlayMode>'.$playmode.'</NewPlayMode>';
return $this->Upnp($url,$service,$action,$args);
* Split string in several strings
protected function CutString($string,$intmax)
$i = 0;
while (strlen($string) > $intmax)
$string_cut = substr($string, 0, $intmax);
$last_space = strrpos($string_cut, "+");
$strings[$i] = substr($string, 0, $last_space);
$string = substr($string, $last_space, strlen($string));
$strings[$i] = $string;
return $strings;
* Download TTS file from Google
protected function GetTtsFileFromGoogle($file,$words,$lang)
// Google Translate API cannot handle strings > 100 characters
$words = $this->CutString($words,100);
ini_set('user_agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:21.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/21.0');
$mp3 = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($words); $i++)
$mp3[$i] = file_get_contents('http://translate.google.com/translate_tts?q='.$words[$i].'&tl='.$lang.'&client=eedomus');
file_put_contents($file, $mp3);
return $file;
* Download TTS file from Acapala
* Initial code from https://github.com/skmp/acapela-tts-zeroconf-proxy
protected function GetTtsFileFromAcapela($file,$words,$lang)
// Acapela demo TTS API cannot handle strings > 300 characters
$words = substr($words, 0, 300);
// Get PHP Session from cookies
$ch = curl_init('http://www.acapela-group.com/?lang=fr');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
preg_match_all('/^Set-Cookie:\s*([^;]*)/mi', $result, $matches);
$cookies = array();
foreach($matches[1] as $item) {
parse_str($item, $cookie);
$cookies = array_merge($cookies, $cookie);
//echo $cookies['PHPSESSID'];
// Get sound
$url = 'http://www.acapela-group.com/demo-tts/DemoHTML5Form_V2.php';
$data =
'MySelectedVoice' => 'Manon',
'MyTextForTTS' => urldecode($words),
'agreeterms' => 'on',
'SendToVaaS' =>'');
// use key 'http' even if you send the request to https://...
$options = array(
'http' => array(
'header' => "Cookie: PHPSESSID=".$cookies['PHPSESSID']."\r\n",
'method' => 'POST',
'content' => http_build_query($data),
$context = stream_context_create($options);
$result = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
$hookp = "var myPhpVar = '";
$temp = substr(strstr($result,$hookp),strlen($hookp));
$rv = substr($temp,0,strpos($temp,"'"));
file_put_contents($file, file_get_contents($rv));
return $file;
* Convert Words (text) to Speech (MP3)
protected function TTSToMp3($words,$lang,$ttsengine)
// Directory
$folder = "audio/".$lang;
// Replace the non-alphanumeric characters
// The spaces in the sentence are replaced with the Plus symbol
$words = urlencode($words);
// Name of the MP3 file generated using the MD5 hash
$file = md5($words);
// If folder doesn't exists, create it
if (!file_exists($folder))
mkdir($folder, 0755, true);
// Save the MP3 file in this folder with the .mp3 extension
$file = $folder."/TTS-".$file.".mp3";
// If the MP3 file exists, do not create a new request
if (!file_exists($file))
if($ttsengine == 'google'){
$file = $this->GetTtsFileFromGoogle($file,$words,$lang);
elseif($ttsengine == 'acapela'){
$file = $this->GetTtsFileFromAcapela($file,$words,$lang);
return $file;
* Say song name via TTS message
* @param string message
* @param string radio name display on sonos controller
* @param int volume
* @param string language
public function SongNameTTS($directory,$volume=0,$unmute=0,$lang='fr')
$ThisSong = "Cette chanson s'appelle ";
$By = " de ";
$actual['track'] = $this->GetPositionInfo();
$SongName = $actual['track']['Title'];
$Artist = $actual['track']['TitleArtist'];
$message = $ThisSong . $SongName . $By . $Artist ;
return true;
* Play a TTS message
* @param string message
* @param string radio name display on sonos controller
* @param int volume
* @param string language
public function PlayTTS($message,$directory,$volume=0,$unmute=0,$lang='fr',$ttsengine='google')
$actual['track'] = $this->GetPositionInfo();
$actual['volume'] = $this->GetVolume();
$actual['mute'] = $this->GetMute();
$actual['status'] = $this->GetTransportInfo();
if ($unmute == 1)
if ($volume != 0)
$file = 'x-file-cifs://'.$directory.'/'.$this->TTSToMp3($message,$lang,$ttsengine);
if (((stripos($actual['track']["TrackURI"],"x-file-cifs://")) !== false) or ((stripos($actual['track']["TrackURI"],".mp3")) !== false))
// It's a MP3 file
$TrackNumber = $this->AddURIToQueue($file);
while (true) {
//It's a radio / or TV (playbar) / or nothing
while ($this->GetTransportInfo() == "PLAYING") {}
if (strcmp($actual['status'],"PLAYING") == 0)
return true;
public function AddSpotifyToQueue($spotify_id, $next = false) {
$rand = mt_rand(10000000, 99999999);
$meta = '<DIDL-Lite xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:upnp="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" xmlns:r="urn:schemas-rinconnetworks-com:metadata-1-0/" xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/">
<item id="'.$rand.'spotify%3atrack%3a'.$spotify_id.'" restricted="true">
<desc id="cdudn" nameSpace="urn:schemas-rinconnetworks-com:metadata-1-0/">SA_RINCON2311_X_#Svc2311-0-Token</desc>
$meta = htmlentities($meta);
$url = '/MediaRenderer/AVTransport/Control';
$action = 'AddURIToQueue';
$service = 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1';
$next = (int)$next;
$args = "
$filter = 'FirstTrackNumberEnqueued';
return $this->Upnp($url, $service, $action, $args, $filter);
public function device_info() {
$xml = $this->_device_info_raw('/xml/device_description.xml');
$out = [
'friendlyName' => (string)$xml->device->friendlyName,
'modelNumber' => (string)$xml->device->modelNumber,
'modelName' => (string)$xml->device->modelName,
'softwareVersion' => (string)$xml->device->softwareVersion,
'hardwareVersion' => (string)$xml->device->hardwareVersion,
'roomName' => (string)$xml->device->roomName,
return $out;
public function get_coordinator() {
$topology = $this->_device_info_raw('/status/topology');
$myself = null;
$coordinators = [];
// Loop players, build map of coordinators and find myself
foreach ($topology->ZonePlayers->ZonePlayer as $player) {
$player_data = $player->attributes();
$ip = parse_url((string)$player_data->location)['host'];
if ($ip == $this->IP) {
$myself = $player_data;
if ((string)$player_data->coordinator == 'true') {
$coordinators[(string)$player_data->group] = $ip;
$coordinator = $coordinators[(string)$myself->group];
return new static($coordinator);
protected function _device_info_raw($url) {
$url = "http://{$this->IP}:{$this->PORT}{$url}";
if (!isset($this->_raw[$url])) {
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$data = curl_exec($ch);
$this->_raw[$url] = simplexml_load_string($data);
return $this->_raw[$url];
public static function detect($ip = '', $port = 1900) {
$sock = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP);
socket_set_option($sock, getprotobyname('ip'), IP_MULTICAST_TTL, 2);
$data = <<<DATA
HOST: {$ip}:reservedSSDPport
MAN: ssdp:discover
MX: 1
ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:ZonePlayer:1
socket_sendto($sock, $data, strlen($data), null, $ip, $port);
// All passed by ref
$read = [$sock];
$write = $except = [];
$name = $port = null;
$tmp = '';
// Read buffer
$buff = '';
// Loop until there's nothing more to read
while (socket_select($read, $write, $except, 1) && $read) {
socket_recvfrom($sock, $tmp, 2048, null, $name, $port);
$buff .= $tmp;
// Parse buffer into devices
$data = static::_parse_detection_replies($buff);
// Make an array of myselfs
$devices = [];
$unique = [];
foreach ($data as $datum) {
if(in_array($datum['usn'],$unique)) {
$url = parse_url($datum['location']);
$devices[] = new static($url['host'], $url['port']);
$unique[] = $datum['usn'];
return $devices;
protected static function _parse_detection_replies($replies) {
$out = [];
// Loop each reply
foreach (explode("\r\n\r\n", $replies) as $reply) {
if ( ! $reply) {
// New array entry
$arr =& $out[];
// Loop each line
foreach (explode("\r\n", $reply) as $line) {
// End of header name
if (($colon = strpos($line, ':')) !== false) {
$name = strtolower(substr($line, 0, $colon));
$val = trim(substr($line, $colon + 1));
$arr[$name] = $val;
return $out;
public static function get_room_coordinator($room_name) {
// Detect devices. Sometimes takes a few goes.
do {
$devices = static::detect();
if (!$devices) {
} while (!$devices);
foreach ($devices as $device) {
if ($device->device_info()['roomName'] == $room_name) {
return $device->get_coordinator();
return false;
$mp3[$i] = file_get_contents('http://translate.google.com/translate_tts?q='.$words[$i].'&tl='.$lang.'&client=eedomus')
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