Strange Result after Resetting the Z-wave Controller

Discussion sur la box eedomus

Strange Result after Resetting the Z-wave Controller

Messagepar Horia » 20 Mai 2016 12:08

Hi All,

I appreciate your comments. Here is my story,

The eeDomus team advised me to reset the z-wave controller, while I had two lost/ghost nodes that the firmware failed to remove and was crashing. And so I did yesterday and I am still amazed. Here is the result:
- The z-wave configuration page says no nodes included
- Meanwhile all my nodes are alive and working slightly faster than before
- The routing table shows blue spots only for the current routes (and direct routes), meanwhile the pop up text says the opposite (no route).
- The lost nodes (that crashed the SW in the past) disappeared.
- Some of the delays I had for rule actions disappeared, others diminished.

Obviously I raised a support ticket (67409). Meanwhile for now, I have no answers. I would like to understand what if you have thoughts to share like I said I am all ears and grateful.

Thanks, Horia
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Maison avec eedomus+, 200 dispositifs(60 en zwave/+, 10 en RFXcom, 5 cameras, les restes virtuel), automatisation éclairage, sécurité maison, environnement, access, chauffage, notifications, agenda.
Messages : 129
Inscription : 26 Jan 2016

Re: Strange Result after Resetting the Z-wave Controller

Messagepar Horia » 23 Mai 2016 15:53

Hi All,

Just an update. The functionality got even better after I optimised all devices (first those powered, next the battery sensors). The routing table meanwhile as before, but interestingly, now I see the direction routes between controller and devices recognised and I see the alternate routes selected a lot more logical in respect to the physical placement.

Bottom line, what I see in the user interface is a disaster but the the z-wave network reality and the functionality of the box proves the opposite.

No response yet from the eeDomus team. Maybe after all they will take a look while it seems there is something to learn about from this experience.

Regards, Horia
PS: I noticed that some Vision Security sensors optimised naturally through wake up, but they failed to act properly after a day. I did in one case a manual wake up, with a battery disconnect.
Maison avec eedomus+, 200 dispositifs(60 en zwave/+, 10 en RFXcom, 5 cameras, les restes virtuel), automatisation éclairage, sécurité maison, environnement, access, chauffage, notifications, agenda.
Messages : 129
Inscription : 26 Jan 2016

Re: Strange Result after Resetting the Z-wave Controller

Messagepar enr37 » 24 Mai 2016 12:20

eedomus use to not write back when the answer is in the wiki and/or in this board. unfortunatelly for you guys, there's more answers in french than english.
the team has just made a big update that could help your issue though can explain your lack of answer.
BTW, funny to see your configuration is in french :-)
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