I tried to use macro with 1 second delay between commands "5" and "8" - and in half of cases I get channel 5 or channel 8 instead of channel 58!

But on the portal if I press fast "5" and then in 0.5 second I press "8" - then it works more stable. But with the interface of eedomus it is difficult to do that - the list of values hides when user press a button on a device. I also cannot set a macro with 0.5 second delay, the minimum is "1 sec" in eedomus
In Fibaro HC2 for comparison - you can have a set of buttons on the mobile's screen and then pressing of several buttons in a row is much easier. I never tested HC2 with KIRA but with WF2IR it works just perfect.

The problem with 2-digit channels is actually related to how the command is executed in eedomus. I can see on KIRA - it sends first IR-code, then several 2-4 seconds delay

- 1. Is it a problem in eedomus or KIRA perfomance?
2. Is there anyone who has similar problems?
3. Any solutions for that? May be php-script with 0.5 second delay?
4. Does WF2IR work better than KIRA?