How can I integrate multiple smart home devices

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How can I integrate multiple smart home devices

Messagepar lockee » 30 Avr 2024 12:04

How can I integrate multiple smart home devices with my eedomus box for centralized control and automation?
Messages : 3
Inscription : 16 Mars 2024

Re: How can I integrate multiple smart home devices

Messagepar enr37 » 26 Oct 2024 20:00

not every devices are opened like zwave, zigbee etc. some are completely closed (that's a big problem, but mostly yours if you buy t) and some, like HUE are accessible with an API.
Matter ariving, it should put an end to that sort of issues.
If you want to lokok if someone developped a script, you have to "add a device" and choose "script" below right and check if you have yours.
it's usually european and french ones, but your allowed to program one of your country if your able to do it .
actionnaire de photoshop. partageur des 450 icones sur abavala et dans votre box.
Le savoir ne vaut que s'il est partagé par tous !
Messages : 1359
Inscription : 06 Juin 2013
Localisation : 37

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