jluc2808 a écrit:le plugin fonctionne chez moi , avec mes modifs pour avoir le statut de la porte
Cela ne fonctionne plus avec les nouvelles serrures: leur API a été changée, et les fonctions ne sont accessibles qu'à travers leur Cloud.
jluc2808 a écrit:le plugin fonctionne chez moi , avec mes modifs pour avoir le statut de la porte
[16:41:14.017] [2024-04-26] Starting script [http_exec.php] pid->32365
[16:41:14.018] ## DEBUG: Allowing db update
[16:41:14.019] ## DEBUG: Allowing db connexion to maintain
[16:41:14.019] ## INFO: Launched from [setget] [controller_module_id=2622697]
[16:41:14.063] ## INFO: Debug mode is OFF.
[16:41:14.067] HTTP [GET] Query -> [http://x.x.x.x:8080/lockAction?nukiId=private&action=4&token=private]
[16:41:54.074] ## ERROR: Querying [http://x.x.x.x:8080/lockAction?nukiId=private&action=4&token=private]
-> CURL Error 28: Operation timed out after 40001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
[16:41:54.075] Result -> [HTTP:0] in 41s
[16:41:54.076] ## INFO: Error count is [1], bypassing.
[16:41:54.086] CPU Usage : User 30 ms (cumulated 570), System 20 ms (cumulated 170), [/etc/eedomus/cpu_http_exec.txt] written
[16:41:54.087] Done
[16:41:54.087] Quitting child thread [24774] after 40020ms (parent was [setget])
[16:43:14.153] [2024-04-26] Starting script [http_exec.php] pid->3049
[16:43:14.155] ## DEBUG: Allowing db update
[16:43:14.156] ## DEBUG: Allowing db connexion to maintain
[16:43:14.158] ## INFO: Launched from [daemon_supervisor] [controller_module_id=2622697]
[16:43:14.280] ## INFO: Debug mode is OFF.
[16:43:14.291] HTTP [GET] Query -> [http://x.x.x.x:8080/lockAction?nukiId=private&action=4&token=private]
[16:43:16.500] Result -> [HTTP:200] in 3s
[16:43:16.501] Creating request from 'putReq' [/mnt/flash/puch/outbox/2024.04.26_16.43.16_500887_cm2622697.req]
[16:43:16.503] ## DEBUG: Disabling db update
[16:43:16.518] CPU Usage : User 50 ms (cumulated 620), System 10 ms (cumulated 180), [/etc/eedomus/cpu_http_exec.txt] written
[16:43:16.519] Done
[16:43:16.520] Quitting child thread [24994] after 2229ms (parent was [daemon_supervisor])
[22:34:47.460] [2024-04-23] Starting script [http_exec.php] pid->32324
[22:34:47.464] ## DEBUG: Allowing db update
[22:34:47.467] ## DEBUG: Allowing db connexion to maintain
[22:34:47.469] ## INFO: Launched from [daemon_rule] [controller_module_id=2622683]
[22:34:47.493] ## INFO: Debug mode is OFF.
[22:34:47.504] HTTP [GET] Query -> [http://x.x.x.x:8080/lockAction?nukiId=407829685&action=4&token=private]
[22:35:12.105] Result -> [HTTP:200] in 25s
[22:35:12.106] Creating request from 'putReq' [/mnt/flash/puch/outbox/2024.04.23_22.35.12_106152_cm2622683.req]
[22:35:12.108] ## DEBUG: Disabling db update
[22:35:12.177] CPU Usage : User 30 ms (cumulated 350), System 10 ms (cumulated 60), [/etc/eedomus/cpu_http_exec.txt] written
[22:35:12.177] Done
[22:35:12.178] Quitting child thread [24876] after 24674ms (parent was [daemon_rule])
[22:35:27.399] ## ERROR: Querying [http://x.x.x.x:8080/lockAction?nukiId=private&action=4&token=private]
-> CURL Error 28: Operation timed out after 40000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
[22:35:27.400] Result -> [HTTP:0] in 41s
[22:35:27.405] ## INFO: Error count is [1], bypassing.
[22:35:27.434] CPU Usage : User 20 ms (cumulated 370), System 20 ms (cumulated 80), [/etc/eedomus/cpu_http_exec.txt] written
[22:35:27.437] Done
[22:35:27.440] Quitting child thread [24875] after 40058ms (parent was [daemon_rule])
[22:36:38.061] [2024-04-23] Starting script [http_exec.php] pid->3049
[22:36:38.064] ## DEBUG: Allowing db update
[22:36:38.068] ## DEBUG: Allowing db connexion to maintain
[22:36:38.068] ## INFO: Launched from [daemon_supervisor] [controller_module_id=2622697]
[22:36:38.155] ## INFO: Debug mode is OFF.
[22:36:38.197] HTTP [GET] Query -> [http://x.x.x.x:8080/lockAction?nukiId=private&action=4&token=private]
[22:37:18.201] ## ERROR: Querying [http://x.x.x.x:8080/lockAction?nukiId=private&action=4&token=private]
-> CURL Error 28: Operation timed out after 40001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
[22:37:18.202] Result -> [HTTP:0] in 41s
[22:37:18.205] ## INFO: Error count is [2], bypassing.
[22:37:18.231] CPU Usage : User 40 ms (cumulated 410), System 30 ms (cumulated 110), [/etc/eedomus/cpu_http_exec.txt] written
[22:37:18.234] Done
[22:37:18.237] Quitting child thread [25078] after 40041ms (parent was [daemon_supervisor])
[22:38:36.720] [2024-04-23] Starting script [http_exec.php] pid->3049
[22:38:36.721] ## DEBUG: Allowing db update
[22:38:36.722] ## DEBUG: Allowing db connexion to maintain
[22:38:36.722] ## INFO: Launched from [daemon_supervisor] [controller_module_id=2622697]
[22:38:36.753] ## INFO: Debug mode is OFF.
[22:38:36.757] HTTP [GET] Query -> [http://x.x.x.x:8080/lockAction?nukiId=private&action=4&token=private]
[22:39:16.761] ## ERROR: Querying [http://x.x.x.x:8080/lockAction?nukiId=private&action=4&token=private]
-> CURL Error 28: Operation timed out after 40002 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
[22:39:16.762] Result -> [HTTP:0] in 41s
[22:39:16.798] CPU Usage : User 60 ms (cumulated 470), System 10 ms (cumulated 120), [/etc/eedomus/cpu_http_exec.txt] written
[22:39:16.799] Done
[22:39:16.804] Quitting child thread [25511] after 40047ms (parent was [daemon_supervisor])
[22:40:15.408] [2024-04-23] Starting script [http_exec.php] pid->3049
[22:40:15.410] ## DEBUG: Allowing db update
[22:40:15.413] ## DEBUG: Allowing db connexion to maintain
[22:40:15.414] ## INFO: Launched from [daemon_supervisor] [controller_module_id=2622697]
[22:40:15.470] ## INFO: Debug mode is OFF.
[22:40:15.477] HTTP [GET] Query -> [http://x.x.x.x:8080/lockAction?nukiId=private&action=4&token=private]
[22:40:19.686] Result -> [HTTP:200] in 5s
[22:40:19.687] Creating request from 'putReq' [/mnt/flash/puch/outbox/2024.04.23_22.40.19_687329_cm2622697.req]
[22:40:19.689] ## DEBUG: Disabling db update
[22:40:19.701] CPU Usage : User 40 ms (cumulated 510), System 20 ms (cumulated 140), [/etc/eedomus/cpu_http_exec.txt] written
[22:40:19.701] Done
[22:40:19.703] Quitting child thread [25719] after 4226ms (parent was [daemon_supervisor])
gabvoir a écrit:Le lock n go permet de déverrouiller temporairement.
Tu l'actives, il déverrouille, tu sors, tu fermes et il verouille
Soit si t'as le capteur de porte immédiatement après fermeture, soit après un certain laps de temps.
jluc2808 a écrit:j’essaierai dans la journée lorsque ce sera plus tranquille, là y a trop de mouvement entrée sortie
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