Workarounds for replacing a failed node relay/dimmer

Everything about Z-Wave radio devices with eedomus

Workarounds for replacing a failed node relay/dimmer

Messagepar Horia » 01 Sep 2023 10:32

Hello All,

I had to replace some Qubino relays and I did it with the Z-wave commands for replace failed node (steps:Z-wave ping, test as failed node, replace)...

It worked but I noticed that the buttons on the switch don't trigger anymore notification updates in the box. Reading the forums it seems the Multi Channel Association to the box has to be reconfigured in the devices (I don't think is Qubino related, probably same issue with any other relay/dimmer). Once I did it set the MA associtation 1, for node 1(the box), and rest of parameters as default the buttons on the switch work as before and the physical notification can be used again in rules.

I thought sharing while it took me 2 years to find a workaround without a full reinclusion for the modules, and the eedomus team had no comments about...

Thanks, Horia
Maison avec eedomus+, 200 dispositifs(60 en zwave/+, 10 en RFXcom, 5 cameras, les restes virtuel), automatisation éclairage, sécurité maison, environnement, access, chauffage, notifications, agenda.
Messages : 129
Inscription : 26 Jan 2016

Re: Workarounds for replacing a failed node relay/dimmer

Messagepar fullpower » 01 Sep 2023 11:52


Wouldn't it have been better to exclude the device completely with the include/exclude command?
Messages : 1208
Inscription : 11 Déc 2015

Re: Workarounds for replacing a failed node relay/dimmer

Messagepar Horia » 01 Sep 2023 14:26

Well, in my case I have a hierachy of rules to create a full automation structure for the house....

Excluding a module impacts many rules, hence lots of work. This is why I prefer the method of replacing by z-wave a failed module.
Maison avec eedomus+, 200 dispositifs(60 en zwave/+, 10 en RFXcom, 5 cameras, les restes virtuel), automatisation éclairage, sécurité maison, environnement, access, chauffage, notifications, agenda.
Messages : 129
Inscription : 26 Jan 2016

Re: Workarounds for replacing a failed node relay/dimmer

Messagepar fullpower » 01 Sep 2023 17:52

not really in fact: when you delete a Z-wave device, it does not delete the rule related to the device (in my case it replaces the deleted device with a number). I just have to replace the number left "by default" by the newly added z-wave device which replaces the old one... :D
Messages : 1208
Inscription : 11 Déc 2015

Re: Workarounds for replacing a failed node relay/dimmer

Messagepar saveforegoing » 22 Sep 2023 04:09

Horia a écrit:Well, in my case I have a hierachy of rules to create a full automation structure for the house....

Excluding a module impacts many rules, hence lots of work. This is why I prefer the method of replacing by z-wave a failed module.

En fait, lorsqu’il s’agit de s’entraîner, il y aura différentes erreurssnake io. Sa différence n’est pas trop grande mais elle peut être utilisée. Je suis d'accord avec ton analyse de z-wave
Messages : 1
Inscription : 22 Sep 2023

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