Forum eedomus

Tuya Smart Life-Hub ZigBee of 3 bands
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Auteur:  mengi [ 16 Août 2021 18:54 ]
Sujet du message:  Tuya Smart Life-Hub ZigBee of 3 bands

Hello, I have bought the following device "Zigbee" (Tuya Smart Life-Hub ZigBee of 3 bands, wireless switch for smart home), and eedomus recognizes it, the 3 buttons, but when I press, I have put several values, but it only recognizes me pressing "0 = off"

Does anyone know if you can put other values that recognize it, or just not supported?


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Auteur:  Kimax57 [ 17 Août 2021 20:33 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Tuya Smart Life-Hub ZigBee of 3 bands

You don't have hidden values?? if you not other values. check this.

when you add the remote control, do you have sensor or switch ?? I have Xiaomi switches, it works as a sensor not as a switch. During the installation of the switch. "module is controllable?" click on no. add in sensor. you will have the values. In zigbee all the switches work as a sensor and then I do a virtual one.
Auteur:  mengi [ 26 Août 2021 08:01 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Tuya Smart Life-Hub ZigBee of 3 bands

Thanks for your answer.

I have deleted the sensor and created it again.

It has been created for me as a sensor, and it has 4 values, but every time I press, it always only recognizes "off", and I don't know how I could make it recognize the rest of the values when pressing.

I do not know if, as you say, it could be valid, since when pressing, it always recognizes only the "off"

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