[sonde Ruelen/Rehent] Sonde de sol humidité/température

Périphériques Zigbee via Zigate

[sonde Ruelen/Rehent] Sonde de sol humidité/température

Messagepar SoicnarfB » 08 Juin 2023 11:08


j'ai un petit soucis à faire marcher la sonde de sol Ruelen Tuya/Zigbee (https://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B0BVMCKJRW/ref=ppx_od_dt_b_asin_title_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)
Elle semble bien s'associer par la Zigate mais il n'y pas de création de périphérique sur Eedomus.
Je ne sais pas si c'est au niveau de la Zigate (matériel non reconnu) ou au niveau de Eedomus (matériel Zigbee non reconnu).
J'ai récupéré deux adresses Zigbee
15B7:01:0000:0006 et créer un périphérique Humidité Zigbee terre
15B7:01:0000:0003 et créer un périphérique Température Zigbee terre
(et il semble y avoir aussi la 0001,0004,0005 etc)
mais évidemment ça ne peut pas marcher aussi facilement ;)

Je mets ci-dessous les logs.
De l'association/join:
Code : Tout sélectionner
[10:57:34.892] ## INFO: Device [15B7] does not exist
[10:57:34.892] ## DEBUG: Last announce 45 sec ago
[10:57:34.914] Msg Type : 004D (Device announce)
[10:57:34.915] Src Addr : 15B7 (## WARNING : UNKNOWN ADDR)
[10:57:34.916] IEEE Ext Addr : A4C1381245A4822F
[10:57:34.916] MAC capability : 80 (alternate_pan_coordinator=[0], device_type=[0], power_source=[0], receiver_on_idle=[0], security_capability=[0], allocate_address=[1])
[10:57:34.916] Quality : 00 (0%)
[10:57:34.918] ## INFO: Added devices details written to [/etc/eedomus/zigbee/15B7_include_details]

[10:57:34.922] ## INFO: Device [15B7] does not exist
[10:57:34.922] ## INFO: Requesting Node descriptor of device [15B7]
[10:57:35.096] Sending cmd=[0042] (Request Node Descriptor) len=[0002] datas=[15B7]
[10:57:35.096] -> [01 02 10 42 02 10 02 12 E2 15 B7 03]

[10:57:35.111] <= [01 80 00 00 09 BF 00 97 00 42 02 E1 01 01 00 03]
[10:57:35.112] Msg Type : 8000 (Status)
[10:57:35.112] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:35.114] SQN : 97
[10:57:35.114] Packet Type : 0042 (Request Node Descriptor)
[10:57:35.115] Additional info : 02E1010100
[10:57:35.116] SQN2 : E1

[10:57:35.343] <= [01 80 12 00 0A F2 00 00 00 02 15 B7 E1 00 00 2B 03]
[10:57:35.379] Msg Type : 8012 (Data Confirm)
[10:57:35.391] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:35.392] Src Endpoint : 00
[10:57:35.392] Dest Endpoint : 00
[10:57:35.392] Dest Addr mode : 02 (Short)
[10:57:35.396] Destination address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:35.404] SQN : E1

[10:57:35.412] <= [01 80 11 00 08 D8 00 15 B7 00 00 02 E1 00 03]
[10:57:35.415] Msg Type : 8011 (Ack Data)
[10:57:35.415] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:35.419] Destination Address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:35.422] Dest Endpoint : 00
[10:57:35.425] Cluster ID : 0002 (General: Temperature Config)
[10:57:35.426] SQN : E1

[10:57:35.434] <= [01 00 4D 00 0C 21 15 B7 A4 C1 38 12 45 A4 82 2F 80 41 03]
[10:57:35.438] ## DEBUG: Extending permit join (timeout in 60 sec from now)

[10:57:35.439] ## INFO: Device [15B7] does not exist
[10:57:35.442] Msg Type : 004D (Device announce)
[10:57:35.442] Src Addr : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:35.446] IEEE Ext Addr : A4C1381245A4822F
[10:57:35.448] MAC capability : 80 (alternate_pan_coordinator=[0], device_type=[0], power_source=[0], receiver_on_idle=[0], security_capability=[0], allocate_address=[1])
[10:57:35.449] Quality : 41 (25%)
[10:57:35.457] ## INFO: Added devices details written to [/etc/eedomus/zigbee/15B7_include_details]

[10:57:35.460] ## INFO: Device [15B7] does not exist
[10:57:35.461] ## INFO: Requesting Node descriptor of device [15B7]
[10:57:35.461] ## WARNING: A request is already in progress, not sending again...
[10:57:35.464] ## INFO: Exploring Address [15B7]

[10:57:35.472] <= [01 80 42 00 12 5E 97 00 15 B7 11 41 00 42 00 42 2A 00 00 80 42 40 02 41 03]
[10:57:35.479] Msg Type : 8042 (Node Descriptor response)
[10:57:35.479] Src Addr : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:35.482] Chip Manufact. Code : 1141 (UNKNOWN_CHIP_MANUFACTURER)
[10:57:35.483] Max RX : 0042
[10:57:35.485] Max TC : 0042
[10:57:35.486] Server Mask : 2A00 (primary_trust_center=[0], backup_tc=[0], primary_binding_cache=[0], backup_bc=[0], primary_discovery_cache=[0], backup_dc=[0], network_manager=[0])
[10:57:35.488] Descriptor Capability : 00 (extended_active_endpoint_list_available=[0], extended_simple_descriptor_list_available=[0])
[10:57:35.489] MAC capability : 80 (alternate_pan_coordinator=[0], device_type=[0], power_source=[0], receiver_on_idle=[0], security_capability=[0], allocate_address=[1])
[10:57:35.492] Max Buffer Size : 42
[10:57:35.492] Bit Fields : 4002 (logical_type=[2] (End Device), complex_descriptor_available=[0], user_descriptor_available=[0], aps_flags=[0], frequency_band=[8])

[10:57:35.500] ## INFO: Added devices details written to [/etc/eedomus/zigbee/15B7_include_details]

[10:57:35.505] <= [01 87 01 00 05 80 00 00 FF FC 00 03]
[10:57:35.509] Msg Type : 8701 (Router Discovery Confirm)
[10:57:35.509] Network Status : 00 (Joined existing network)
[10:57:35.510] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:35.513] Target Short Address : FFFC (Broadcast ZC ZR)
[10:57:35.691] Sending cmd=[0045] (Explore Address) len=[0002] datas=[15B7] (After a 223 ms wait) allow_retry=1
[10:57:35.691] -> [01 02 10 45 02 10 02 12 E5 15 B7 03]

[10:57:35.703] <= [01 80 00 00 09 B4 00 98 00 45 02 E2 01 01 00 03]
[10:57:35.704] Msg Type : 8000 (Status)
[10:57:35.705] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:35.710] SQN : 98
[10:57:35.711] Packet Type : 0045 (Explore Address)
[10:57:35.713] Additional info : 02E2010100
[10:57:35.714] SQN2 : E2

[10:57:35.840] <= [01 80 12 00 0A DB 00 00 00 02 15 B7 E2 01 00 00 03]
[10:57:35.844] Msg Type : 8012 (Data Confirm)
[10:57:35.845] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:35.847] Src Endpoint : 00
[10:57:35.850] Dest Endpoint : 00
[10:57:35.850] Dest Addr mode : 02 (Short)
[10:57:35.851] Destination address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:35.853] SQN : E2

[10:57:35.857] <= [01 80 11 00 08 DC 00 15 B7 00 00 05 E2 00 03]
[10:57:35.860] Msg Type : 8011 (Ack Data)
[10:57:35.860] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:35.862] Destination Address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:35.864] Dest Endpoint : 00
[10:57:35.864] Cluster ID : 0005 (General: Scenes)
[10:57:35.865] SQN : E2

[10:57:35.871] <= [01 80 45 00 07 CA 98 00 15 B7 01 01 32 03]
[10:57:35.873] Msg Type : 8045 (Active Endpoints Response)
[10:57:35.873] SQN : 98
[10:57:35.873] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:35.875] Short Address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:35.878] Endpoint Count : 01
[10:57:35.879] Endpoint #0 : 01
[10:57:35.883] ## INFO: Added devices details written to [/etc/eedomus/zigbee/15B7_include_details]
[10:57:35.884] ## INFO: Exploring EndPoint [01] of device [15B7]
[10:57:36.053] Sending cmd=[0043] (Explore Endpoint) len=[0003] datas=[15B701] allow_retry=1
[10:57:36.055] -> [01 02 10 43 02 10 02 13 E3 15 B7 02 11 03]

[10:57:36.068] <= [01 80 00 00 09 B2 00 99 00 43 02 E3 01 01 00 03]
[10:57:36.069] Msg Type : 8000 (Status)
[10:57:36.069] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:36.070] SQN : 99
[10:57:36.070] Packet Type : 0043 (Explore Endpoint)
[10:57:36.070] Additional info : 02E3010100
[10:57:36.071] SQN2 : E3

[10:57:36.149] <= [01 80 12 00 0A DA 00 00 00 02 15 B7 E3 01 00 00 03]
[10:57:36.155] Msg Type : 8012 (Data Confirm)
[10:57:36.156] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:36.164] Src Endpoint : 00
[10:57:36.165] Dest Endpoint : 00
[10:57:36.166] Dest Addr mode : 02 (Short)
[10:57:36.167] Destination address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:36.168] SQN : E3

[10:57:36.173] <= [01 80 11 00 08 DC 00 15 B7 00 00 04 E3 00 03]
[10:57:36.179] Msg Type : 8011 (Ack Data)
[10:57:36.179] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:36.182] Destination Address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:36.186] Dest Endpoint : 00
[10:57:36.186] Cluster ID : 0004 (General: Groups)
[10:57:36.190] SQN : E3

[10:57:36.207] <= [01 80 43 00 1A 65 99 00 15 B7 14 01 01 04 00 51 01 04 00 04 00 05 EF 00 00 00 02 00 19 00 0A 3C 03]
[10:57:36.211] Msg Type : 8043 (Simple Descriptor Response)
[10:57:36.212] SQN : 99
[10:57:36.212] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:36.215] Short Address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:36.220] Length : 14 (20)
[10:57:36.220] Endpoint : 01
[10:57:36.220] Profile : 0104 (Home Automation)
[10:57:36.222] Device ID : 0051 (Smart Plugs)
[10:57:36.222] Bit Fields : 01 (logical_type=[1] (Router), complex_descriptor_available=[0], user_descriptor_available=[0], aps_flags=[0], frequency_band=[0])
[10:57:36.224] Input Cluster Count : 04
[10:57:36.225] Input #0 (1/4) : 0004 (General: Groups)
[10:57:36.227] ## DEBUG: This is an On/Off plug !
[10:57:36.230] ## DEBUG: This is an On/Off plug !
[10:57:36.231] Discovering attributes on cluster_id=0004 (General: Groups) for addr=15B7 endpoint=01
[10:57:36.408] Sending cmd=[0140] (Attribute Discovery request) len=[000E] datas=[0215B701010004000000000000C8]
[10:57:36.819] -> [01 02 11 40 02 10 02 1E 23 02 12 15 B7 02 11 02 11 02 10 02 14 02 10 02 10 02 10 02 10 02 10 02 10 C8 03]

[10:57:36.830] <= [01 80 12 00 0A F6 00 00 00 02 15 B7 E4 01 00 2B 03]
[10:57:36.837] Msg Type : 8012 (Data Confirm)
[10:57:36.848] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:36.856] Src Endpoint : 00
[10:57:36.856] Dest Endpoint : 00
[10:57:36.858] Dest Addr mode : 02 (Short)
[10:57:36.859] Destination address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:36.866] SQN : E4

[10:57:36.876] <= [01 80 11 00 08 5D 00 15 B7 00 80 02 E4 00 03]
[10:57:36.880] Msg Type : 8011 (Ack Data)
[10:57:36.881] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:36.889] Destination Address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:36.892] Dest Endpoint : 00
[10:57:36.894] Cluster ID : 8002 ()
[10:57:36.895] SQN : E4

[10:57:36.905] <= [01 80 00 00 09 35 00 1B 01 40 01 E7 01 01 00 03]
[10:57:36.906] Msg Type : 8000 (Status)
[10:57:36.910] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:36.911] SQN : 1B
[10:57:36.914] Packet Type : 0140 (Attribute Discovery request)
[10:57:36.914] Additional info : 01E7010100
[10:57:36.915] SQN2 : E7

[10:57:36.962] <= [01 80 12 00 0A F5 00 01 01 02 15 B7 E7 01 00 2B 03]
[10:57:36.963] Msg Type : 8012 (Data Confirm)
[10:57:36.967] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:36.975] Src Endpoint : 01
[10:57:36.979] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:36.979] Dest Addr mode : 02 (Short)
[10:57:36.979] Destination address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:36.983] SQN : E7

[10:57:36.994] <= [01 80 11 00 08 D9 00 15 B7 01 00 04 E7 00 03]
[10:57:36.997] Msg Type : 8011 (Ack Data)
[10:57:36.999] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:36.000] Destination Address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:37.003] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:37.007] Cluster ID : 0004 (General: Groups)
[10:57:37.010] SQN : E7

[10:57:37.018] <= [01 81 39 00 0A 34 01 18 00 00 15 B7 01 00 04 38 03]
[10:57:37.021] Msg Type : 8139 (Message Attribute Discovery Individual Response)
[10:57:37.024] Short Address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:37.025] Endpoint : 01
[10:57:37.028] Cluster : 0004 (General: Groups)
[10:57:37.036] ## ERROR: Unknown description for cluster_id=[0004] attribute_id=[0000]
[10:57:37.029] Attribute : 0000 ()
[10:57:37.041] Attr Type : 18 (Bit Map 8)
[10:57:37.050] Input #1 (2/4) : 0005 (General: Scenes)
[10:57:37.054] ## DEBUG: This is an On/Off plug !
[10:57:37.054] ## DEBUG: This is an On/Off plug !
[10:57:37.057] ## DEBUG: Binding Cluster [0005] of device [A4C1381245A4822F] endpoint [01] to Zigate/eedomus endpoint [01]

[10:57:37.064] <= [01 81 39 00 0A 0F 01 21 FF FD 15 B7 01 00 04 38 03]
[10:57:37.069] Msg Type : 8139 (Message Attribute Discovery Individual Response)
[10:57:37.069] Short Address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:37.075] Endpoint : 01
[10:57:37.075] Cluster : 0004 (General: Groups)
[10:57:37.079] Attribute : FFFD (ClusterRevision)
[10:57:37.086] Attr Type : 21 (Unsigned Int 16)

[10:57:37.095] <= [01 81 40 00 05 DE 01 21 FF FD 38 03]
[10:57:37.099] Msg Type : 8140 (Attribute Discovery response)
[10:57:37.099] ## ERROR: Rejecting response, no cluster inside.
[10:57:37.279] Sending cmd=[0030] (Bind) len=[0015] datas=[A4C1381245A4822F0100050300158D000966CC9F01] (After a 221 ms wait)
[10:57:37.280] -> [01 02 10 30 02 10 15 84 A4 C1 38 12 45 A4 82 2F 02 11 02 10 02 15 02 13 02 10 15 8D 02 10 02 19 66 CC 9F 02 11 03]

[10:57:37.313] <= [01 80 00 00 09 C9 00 9A 00 30 02 E8 01 01 00 03]
[10:57:37.333] Msg Type : 8000 (Status)
[10:57:37.334] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:37.335] SQN : 9A
[10:57:37.335] Packet Type : 0030 (Bind)
[10:57:37.335] Additional info : 02E8010100
[10:57:37.335] SQN2 : E8

[10:57:37.536] <= [01 80 12 00 10 6B 00 00 00 03 A4 C1 38 12 45 A4 82 2F E8 01 00 00 03]
[10:57:37.539] Msg Type : 8012 (Data Confirm)
[10:57:37.539] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:37.545] Src Endpoint : 00
[10:57:37.545] Dest Endpoint : 00
[10:57:37.545] Dest Addr mode : 03 (IEEE)
[10:57:37.546] IEEE (Ext Addr) : A4C1381245A4822F
[10:57:37.550] SQN : E8

[10:57:37.555] <= [01 80 11 00 08 F2 00 15 B7 00 00 21 E8 00 03]
[10:57:37.559] Msg Type : 8011 (Ack Data)
[10:57:37.560] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:37.563] Destination Address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:37.567] Dest Endpoint : 00
[10:57:37.568] Cluster ID : 0021 (Green Power)
[10:57:37.570] SQN : E8

[10:57:37.649] <= [01 80 30 00 06 A4 9A 00 02 15 B7 28 03]
[10:57:37.650] Msg Type : 8030 (Bind response)
[10:57:37.651] SQN : 9A
[10:57:37.651] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:37.657] Src Addr mode : 02 (Short)
[10:57:37.658] Src Short Address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:37.662] Discovering attributes on cluster_id=0005 (General: Scenes) for addr=15B7 endpoint=01
[10:57:37.845] Sending cmd=[0140] (Attribute Discovery request) len=[000E] datas=[0215B701010005000000000000C8]
[10:57:37.846] -> [01 02 11 40 02 10 02 1E 22 02 12 15 B7 02 11 02 11 02 10 02 15 02 10 02 10 02 10 02 10 02 10 02 10 C8 03]

[10:57:37.877] <= [01 80 00 00 09 3C 00 1C 01 40 01 E9 01 01 00 03]
[10:57:37.883] Msg Type : 8000 (Status)
[10:57:37.883] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:37.890] SQN : 1C
[10:57:37.892] Packet Type : 0140 (Attribute Discovery request)
[10:57:37.893] Additional info : 01E9010100
[10:57:37.893] SQN2 : E9

[10:57:38.102] <= [01 80 12 00 0A D0 00 01 01 02 15 B7 E9 01 00 00 03]
[10:57:38.103] Msg Type : 8012 (Data Confirm)
[10:57:38.106] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:38.109] Src Endpoint : 01
[10:57:38.109] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:38.124] Dest Addr mode : 02 (Short)
[10:57:38.125] Destination address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:38.130] SQN : E9

[10:57:38.146] <= [01 80 11 00 08 D6 00 15 B7 01 00 05 E9 00 03]
[10:57:38.150] Msg Type : 8011 (Ack Data)
[10:57:38.150] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:38.153] Destination Address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:38.156] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:38.156] Cluster ID : 0005 (General: Scenes)
[10:57:38.157] SQN : E9

[10:57:38.162] <= [01 81 39 00 0A 19 01 20 00 00 15 B7 01 00 05 2C 03]
[10:57:38.163] Msg Type : 8139 (Message Attribute Discovery Individual Response)
[10:57:38.164] Short Address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:38.168] Endpoint : 01
[10:57:38.168] Cluster : 0005 (General: Scenes)
[10:57:38.171] ## ERROR: Unknown description for cluster_id=[0005] attribute_id=[0000]
[10:57:38.169] Attribute : 0000 ()
[10:57:38.173] Attr Type : 20 (Unsigned Int 8)
[10:57:38.183] Input #2 (3/4) : EF00 (Tuya Cluster)
[10:57:38.187] ## DEBUG: This is an On/Off plug !
[10:57:38.190] ## DEBUG: This is an On/Off plug !
[10:57:38.192] Discovering attributes on cluster_id=EF00 (Tuya Cluster) for addr=15B7 endpoint=01

[10:57:38.199] <= [01 81 39 00 0A 18 01 20 00 01 15 B7 01 00 05 2C 03]
[10:57:38.201] Msg Type : 8139 (Message Attribute Discovery Individual Response)
[10:57:38.202] Short Address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:38.204] Endpoint : 01
[10:57:38.204] Cluster : 0005 (General: Scenes)
[10:57:38.209] ## ERROR: Unknown description for cluster_id=[0005] attribute_id=[0001]
[10:57:38.204] Attribute : 0001 ()
[10:57:38.212] Attr Type : 20 (Unsigned Int 8)

[10:57:38.218] <= [01 81 39 00 0A 1A 01 21 00 02 15 B7 01 00 05 2C 03]
[10:57:38.219] Msg Type : 8139 (Message Attribute Discovery Individual Response)
[10:57:38.219] Short Address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:38.220] Endpoint : 01
[10:57:38.220] Cluster : 0005 (General: Scenes)
[10:57:38.223] ## ERROR: Unknown description for cluster_id=[0005] attribute_id=[0002]
[10:57:38.221] Attribute : 0002 ()
[10:57:38.224] Attr Type : 21 (Unsigned Int 16)

[10:57:38.227] <= [01 81 39 00 0A 2A 01 10 00 03 15 B7 01 00 05 2C 03]
[10:57:38.230] Msg Type : 8139 (Message Attribute Discovery Individual Response)
[10:57:38.230] Short Address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:38.231] Endpoint : 01
[10:57:38.231] Cluster : 0005 (General: Scenes)
[10:57:38.236] ## ERROR: Unknown description for cluster_id=[0005] attribute_id=[0003]
[10:57:38.234] Attribute : 0003 ()
[10:57:38.238] Attr Type : 10 (Bool)

[10:57:38.244] <= [01 81 39 00 0A 25 01 18 00 04 15 B7 01 00 05 2C 03]
[10:57:38.248] Msg Type : 8139 (Message Attribute Discovery Individual Response)
[10:57:38.248] Short Address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:38.249] Endpoint : 01
[10:57:38.249] Cluster : 0005 (General: Scenes)
[10:57:38.253] ## ERROR: Unknown description for cluster_id=[0005] attribute_id=[0004]
[10:57:38.251] Attribute : 0004 ()
[10:57:38.256] Attr Type : 18 (Bit Map 8)

[10:57:38.259] <= [01 81 39 00 0A 1A 01 21 FF FD 15 B7 01 00 05 2C 03]
[10:57:38.260] Msg Type : 8139 (Message Attribute Discovery Individual Response)
[10:57:38.260] Short Address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:38.261] Endpoint : 01
[10:57:38.261] Cluster : 0005 (General: Scenes)
[10:57:38.262] Attribute : FFFD (ClusterRevision)
[10:57:38.264] Attr Type : 21 (Unsigned Int 16)

[10:57:38.269] <= [01 81 40 00 05 CA 01 21 FF FD 2C 03]
[10:57:38.270] Msg Type : 8140 (Attribute Discovery response)
[10:57:38.270] ## ERROR: Rejecting response, no cluster inside.
[10:57:38.432] Sending cmd=[0140] (Attribute Discovery request) len=[000E] datas=[0215B70101EF00000000000000C8] (After a 239 ms wait)
[10:57:38.434] -> [01 02 11 40 02 10 02 1E C8 02 12 15 B7 02 11 02 11 EF 02 10 02 10 02 10 02 10 02 10 02 10 02 10 C8 03]

[10:57:38.465] <= [01 80 00 00 09 3F 00 1D 01 40 01 EA 00 01 00 03]
[10:57:38.466] Msg Type : 8000 (Status)
[10:57:38.466] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:38.467] SQN : 1D
[10:57:38.468] Packet Type : 0140 (Attribute Discovery request)
[10:57:38.469] Additional info : 01EA000100
[10:57:38.469] SQN2 : EA

[10:57:38.666] <= [01 80 12 00 0A D2 00 01 01 02 15 B7 EA 00 00 00 03]
[10:57:38.668] Msg Type : 8012 (Data Confirm)
[10:57:38.670] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:38.673] Src Endpoint : 01
[10:57:38.675] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:38.675] Dest Addr mode : 02 (Short)
[10:57:38.676] Destination address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:38.677] SQN : EA

[10:57:38.687] <= [01 80 11 00 08 3F 00 15 B7 01 EF 00 EA 00 03]
[10:57:38.688] Msg Type : 8011 (Ack Data)
[10:57:38.690] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:38.690] Destination Address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:38.693] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:38.693] Cluster ID : EF00 (Tuya Cluster)
[10:57:38.697] SQN : EA

[10:57:38.700] <= [01 80 02 00 15 C4 00 01 04 EF 00 01 01 02 15 B7 02 00 00 18 1D 0D 01 00 00 20 32 03]
[10:57:38.701] Msg Type : 8002 (Raw Command)
[10:57:38.702] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:38.702] Profile : 0104 (Home Automation)
[10:57:38.703] Cluster ID : EF00 (Tuya Cluster)
[10:57:38.703] Src Endpont : 01
[10:57:38.703] Src Addr : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:38.704] Payload size : 18 (24)
[10:57:38.704] ## INFO: Tuya Data Type is [20]->[]
[10:57:38.705] ## ERROR: Unknown Tuya Cluster attribute [00], payload is [01000020]

[10:57:41.898] <= [01 80 02 00 14 1A 00 01 04 EF 00 01 01 02 15 B7 02 00 00 09 AA 11 00 64 51 43 03]
[10:57:41.900] Msg Type : 8002 (Raw Command)
[10:57:41.900] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:41.901] Profile : 0104 (Home Automation)
[10:57:41.901] Cluster ID : EF00 (Tuya Cluster)
[10:57:41.902] Src Endpont : 01
[10:57:41.902] Src Addr : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:41.903] Payload size : 09 (9)
[10:57:41.903] ## INFO: Tuya Data Type is [43]->[]
[10:57:41.904] ## ERROR: Unknown Tuya Cluster attribute [51], payload is [006451]

[10:57:41.995] <= [01 80 12 00 0A D3 00 01 01 02 15 B7 EB 00 00 00 03]
[10:57:41.998] Msg Type : 8012 (Data Confirm)
[10:57:41.998] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:42.001] Src Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.001] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.002] Dest Addr mode : 02 (Short)
[10:57:42.002] Destination address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.006] SQN : EB

[10:57:42.012] <= [01 80 12 00 0A FF 00 01 01 02 15 B7 EC 00 00 2B 03]
[10:57:42.021] Msg Type : 8012 (Data Confirm)
[10:57:42.024] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:42.026] Src Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.028] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.028] Dest Addr mode : 02 (Short)
[10:57:42.028] Destination address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.031] SQN : EC

[10:57:42.033] <= [01 80 11 00 08 3E 00 15 B7 01 EF 00 EB 00 03]
[10:57:42.034] Msg Type : 8011 (Ack Data)
[10:57:42.034] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:42.035] Destination Address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.036] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.036] Cluster ID : EF00 (Tuya Cluster)
[10:57:42.036] SQN : EB

[10:57:42.039] <= [01 80 11 00 08 39 00 15 B7 01 EF 00 EC 00 03]
[10:57:42.041] Msg Type : 8011 (Ack Data)
[10:57:42.041] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:42.042] Destination Address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.043] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.043] Cluster ID : EF00 (Tuya Cluster)
[10:57:42.044] SQN : EC

[10:57:42.049] <= [01 81 02 00 0E AE AB 15 B7 01 00 00 00 01 00 20 00 01 48 43 03]
[10:57:42.050] Msg Type : 8102 (Attribute Report)
[10:57:42.052] Src Addr : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.053] EndPoint : 01
[10:57:42.054] Cluster ID : 0000 (General: Basic)
[10:57:42.058] Attr ID : 0001 (Application Version)
[10:57:42.058] Attr Type : 0020 (Unsigned Int 8)
[10:57:42.059] Attr Size : 0001 (1)
[10:57:42.060] Quality : 43 (26%)
[10:57:42.062] Datas : 48 (72)

[10:57:42.064] Creating request [/mnt/flash/puch/outbox/2023.06.08_10.57.42_63897_adm0_4.req]
[10:57:42.069] ## DEBUG: Attribute 0001 written to [/etc/eedomus/zigbee/15B7_01_0000_0001]

[10:57:42.078] ## INFO: Device [15B7] does not exist

[10:57:42.084] <= [01 81 02 00 0E C2 AB 15 B7 01 00 00 FF E2 00 20 00 01 38 43 03]
[10:57:42.087] Msg Type : 8102 (Attribute Report)
[10:57:42.088] Src Addr : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.089] EndPoint : 01
[10:57:42.091] Cluster ID : 0000 (General: Basic)
[10:57:42.093] ## ERROR: Unknown description for cluster_id=[0000] attribute_id=[FFE2]
[10:57:42.094] Attr ID : FFE2
[10:57:42.094] Attr Type : 0020 (Unsigned Int 8)
[10:57:42.095] Attr Size : 0001 (1)
[10:57:42.095] Quality : 43 (26%)
[10:57:42.096] Datas : 38 (56)

[10:57:42.098] ## DEBUG: Attribute FFE2 written to [/etc/eedomus/zigbee/15B7_01_0000_FFE2]

[10:57:42.099] ## INFO: Device [15B7] does not exist

[10:57:42.101] <= [01 81 02 00 0E FC AB 15 B7 01 00 00 FF E4 00 20 00 01 00 43 03]
[10:57:42.102] Msg Type : 8102 (Attribute Report)
[10:57:42.103] Src Addr : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.104] EndPoint : 01
[10:57:42.104] Cluster ID : 0000 (General: Basic)
[10:57:42.106] ## ERROR: Unknown description for cluster_id=[0000] attribute_id=[FFE4]
[10:57:42.107] Attr ID : FFE4
[10:57:42.107] Attr Type : 0020 (Unsigned Int 8)
[10:57:42.108] Attr Size : 0001 (1)
[10:57:42.108] Quality : 43 (26%)
[10:57:42.109] Datas : 00 (0)

[10:57:42.110] ## DEBUG: Attribute FFE4 written to [/etc/eedomus/zigbee/15B7_01_0000_FFE4]

[10:57:42.111] ## INFO: Device [15B7] does not exist

[10:57:42.117] <= [01 80 12 00 0A D5 00 01 01 02 15 B7 ED 00 00 00 03]
[10:57:42.118] Msg Type : 8012 (Data Confirm)
[10:57:42.118] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:42.121] Src Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.121] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.122] Dest Addr mode : 02 (Short)
[10:57:42.122] Destination address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.123] SQN : ED

[10:57:42.125] <= [01 80 11 00 08 D7 00 15 B7 01 00 00 ED 00 03]
[10:57:42.126] Msg Type : 8011 (Ack Data)
[10:57:42.126] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:42.127] Destination Address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.128] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.128] Cluster ID : 0000 (General: Basic)
[10:57:42.129] SQN : ED

[10:57:42.145] <= [01 80 02 00 1B 32 00 01 04 EF 00 01 01 02 15 B7 02 00 00 09 AC 02 00 61 05 02 00 04 00 00 00 19 3F 03]
[10:57:42.147] Msg Type : 8002 (Raw Command)
[10:57:42.147] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:42.148] Profile : 0104 (Home Automation)
[10:57:42.148] Cluster ID : EF00 (Tuya Cluster)
[10:57:42.149] Src Endpont : 01
[10:57:42.149] Src Addr : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.150] Payload size : 09 (9)
[10:57:42.150] ## INFO: Tuya Data Type is [02]->[VALUE]
[10:57:42.150] ## ERROR: Unknown Tuya Cluster attribute [05], payload is [00610502000400000019]

[10:57:42.240] <= [01 80 12 00 0A D6 00 01 01 02 15 B7 EE 00 00 00 03]
[10:57:42.242] Msg Type : 8012 (Data Confirm)
[10:57:42.242] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:42.246] Src Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.246] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.250] Dest Addr mode : 02 (Short)
[10:57:42.251] Destination address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.255] SQN : EE

[10:57:42.270] <= [01 80 12 00 0A D7 00 01 01 02 15 B7 EF 00 00 00 03]
[10:57:42.270] Msg Type : 8012 (Data Confirm)
[10:57:42.274] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:42.277] Src Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.277] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.277] Dest Addr mode : 02 (Short)
[10:57:42.279] Destination address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.281] SQN : EF

[10:57:42.286] <= [01 80 11 00 08 3B 00 15 B7 01 EF 00 EE 00 03]
[10:57:42.289] Msg Type : 8011 (Ack Data)
[10:57:42.289] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:42.291] Destination Address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.297] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.297] Cluster ID : EF00 (Tuya Cluster)
[10:57:42.300] SQN : EE

[10:57:42.309] <= [01 80 11 00 08 3A 00 15 B7 01 EF 00 EF 00 03]
[10:57:42.312] Msg Type : 8011 (Ack Data)
[10:57:42.312] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:42.313] Destination Address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.314] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.314] Cluster ID : EF00 (Tuya Cluster)
[10:57:42.315] SQN : EF

[10:57:42.320] <= [01 80 02 00 1B 50 00 01 04 EF 00 01 01 02 15 B7 02 00 00 09 AD 02 00 62 03 02 00 04 00 00 00 00 40 03]
[10:57:42.321] Msg Type : 8002 (Raw Command)
[10:57:42.321] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:42.322] Profile : 0104 (Home Automation)
[10:57:42.322] Cluster ID : EF00 (Tuya Cluster)
[10:57:42.322] Src Endpont : 01
[10:57:42.323] Src Addr : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.323] Payload size : 09 (9)
[10:57:42.324] ## INFO: Tuya Data Type is [02]->[VALUE]
[10:57:42.324] ## ERROR: Unknown Tuya Cluster attribute [03], payload is [00620302000400000000]

[10:57:42.463] <= [01 80 12 00 0A C8 00 01 01 02 15 B7 F0 00 00 00 03]
[10:57:42.464] Msg Type : 8012 (Data Confirm)
[10:57:42.468] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:42.469] Src Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.469] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.471] Dest Addr mode : 02 (Short)
[10:57:42.472] Destination address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.473] SQN : F0

[10:57:42.477] <= [01 80 12 00 0A C9 00 01 01 02 15 B7 F1 00 00 00 03]
[10:57:42.478] Msg Type : 8012 (Data Confirm)
[10:57:42.479] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:42.480] Src Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.480] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.480] Dest Addr mode : 02 (Short)
[10:57:42.480] Destination address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.484] SQN : F1

[10:57:42.490] <= [01 80 11 00 08 25 00 15 B7 01 EF 00 F0 00 03]
[10:57:42.491] Msg Type : 8011 (Ack Data)
[10:57:42.491] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:42.492] Destination Address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.493] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.493] Cluster ID : EF00 (Tuya Cluster)
[10:57:42.493] SQN : F0

[10:57:42.495] <= [01 80 11 00 08 24 00 15 B7 01 EF 00 F1 00 03]
[10:57:42.496] Msg Type : 8011 (Ack Data)
[10:57:42.496] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:42.497] Destination Address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.499] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.499] Cluster ID : EF00 (Tuya Cluster)
[10:57:42.500] SQN : F1

[10:57:42.503] <= [01 80 02 00 1B 3D 00 01 04 EF 00 01 01 02 15 B7 02 00 00 09 AE 02 00 63 0F 02 00 04 00 00 00 64 47 03]
[10:57:42.504] Msg Type : 8002 (Raw Command)
[10:57:42.505] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:42.505] Profile : 0104 (Home Automation)
[10:57:42.506] Cluster ID : EF00 (Tuya Cluster)
[10:57:42.506] Src Endpont : 01
[10:57:42.507] Src Addr : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.507] Payload size : 09 (9)
[10:57:42.508] ## INFO: Tuya Data Type is [02]->[VALUE]
[10:57:42.508] ## ERROR: Unknown Tuya Cluster attribute [0F], payload is [00630F02000400000064]

[10:57:42.586] <= [01 80 12 00 0A E1 00 01 01 02 15 B7 F2 00 00 2B 03]
[10:57:42.587] Msg Type : 8012 (Data Confirm)
[10:57:42.588] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:42.588] Src Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.589] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.589] Dest Addr mode : 02 (Short)
[10:57:42.589] Destination address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.590] SQN : F2

[10:57:42.598] <= [01 80 12 00 0A CB 00 01 01 02 15 B7 F3 00 00 00 03]
[10:57:42.598] Msg Type : 8012 (Data Confirm)
[10:57:42.599] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:42.599] Src Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.600] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.600] Dest Addr mode : 02 (Short)
[10:57:42.601] Destination address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.603] SQN : F3

[10:57:42.605] <= [01 80 11 00 08 27 00 15 B7 01 EF 00 F2 00 03]
[10:57:42.610] Msg Type : 8011 (Ack Data)
[10:57:42.610] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:42.611] Destination Address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.613] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.614] Cluster ID : EF00 (Tuya Cluster)
[10:57:42.614] SQN : F2

[10:57:42.616] <= [01 80 11 00 08 26 00 15 B7 01 EF 00 F3 00 03]
[10:57:42.617] Msg Type : 8011 (Ack Data)
[10:57:42.617] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:42.619] Destination Address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.620] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.620] Cluster ID : EF00 (Tuya Cluster)
[10:57:42.620] SQN : F3

[10:57:42.624] <= [01 80 02 00 18 5D 00 01 04 EF 00 01 01 02 15 B7 02 00 00 09 AF 02 00 64 0E 04 00 01 02 46 03]
[10:57:42.625] Msg Type : 8002 (Raw Command)
[10:57:42.625] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:42.626] Profile : 0104 (Home Automation)
[10:57:42.626] Cluster ID : EF00 (Tuya Cluster)
[10:57:42.627] Src Endpont : 01
[10:57:42.627] Src Addr : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.628] Payload size : 09 (9)
[10:57:42.628] ## INFO: Tuya Data Type is [04]->[ENUM]
[10:57:42.630] ## ERROR: Unknown Tuya Cluster attribute [0E], payload is [00640E04000102]

[10:57:42.710] <= [01 80 12 00 0A CC 00 01 01 02 15 B7 F4 00 00 00 03]
[10:57:42.710] Msg Type : 8012 (Data Confirm)
[10:57:42.711] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:42.711] Src Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.712] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.712] Dest Addr mode : 02 (Short)
[10:57:42.712] Destination address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.718] SQN : F4

[10:57:42.732] <= [01 80 12 00 0A CD 00 01 01 02 15 B7 F5 00 00 00 03]
[10:57:42.735] Msg Type : 8012 (Data Confirm)
[10:57:42.735] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:42.737] Src Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.738] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.739] Dest Addr mode : 02 (Short)
[10:57:42.739] Destination address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.741] SQN : F5

[10:57:42.743] <= [01 80 11 00 08 21 00 15 B7 01 EF 00 F4 00 03]
[10:57:42.744] Msg Type : 8011 (Ack Data)
[10:57:42.744] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:42.745] Destination Address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.746] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.746] Cluster ID : EF00 (Tuya Cluster)
[10:57:42.748] SQN : F4

[10:57:42.750] <= [01 80 11 00 08 20 00 15 B7 01 EF 00 F5 00 03]
[10:57:42.750] Msg Type : 8011 (Ack Data)
[10:57:42.751] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:42.751] Destination Address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.752] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.752] Cluster ID : EF00 (Tuya Cluster)
[10:57:42.753] SQN : F5

[10:57:42.756] <= [01 81 02 00 17 D0 B0 15 B7 01 00 00 FF DF 00 42 00 0A F5 00 00 00 66 F6 00 00 00 12 48 03]
[10:57:42.757] Msg Type : 8102 (Attribute Report)
[10:57:42.757] Src Addr : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.759] EndPoint : 01
[10:57:42.759] Cluster ID : 0000 (General: Basic)
[10:57:42.761] ## ERROR: Unknown description for cluster_id=[0000] attribute_id=[FFDF]
[10:57:42.762] Attr ID : FFDF
[10:57:42.762] Attr Type : 0042 (Char String)
[10:57:42.762] Attr Size : 000A (10)
[10:57:42.763] Quality : 48 (28%)
[10:57:42.764] Datas : F500000066F600000012 (õ)

[10:57:42.765] ## DEBUG: Attribute FFDF written to [/etc/eedomus/zigbee/15B7_01_0000_FFDF]

[10:57:42.766] ## INFO: Device [15B7] does not exist

[10:57:42.834] <= [01 80 12 00 0A CE 00 01 01 02 15 B7 F6 00 00 00 03]
[10:57:42.835] Msg Type : 8012 (Data Confirm)
[10:57:42.835] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:42.837] Src Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.837] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.838] Dest Addr mode : 02 (Short)
[10:57:42.838] Destination address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.839] SQN : F6

[10:57:42.841] <= [01 80 11 00 08 CC 00 15 B7 01 00 00 F6 00 03]
[10:57:42.842] Msg Type : 8011 (Ack Data)
[10:57:42.842] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:42.844] Destination Address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.845] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.845] Cluster ID : 0000 (General: Basic)
[10:57:42.845] SQN : F6

[10:57:42.864] <= [01 80 02 00 13 CC 00 01 04 00 0A 01 01 02 15 B7 02 00 00 00 B1 00 07 00 46 03]
[10:57:42.866] Msg Type : 8002 (Raw Command)
[10:57:42.867] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:42.867] Profile : 0104 (Home Automation)
[10:57:42.868] Cluster ID : 000A (General: Time)
[10:57:42.868] Src Endpont : 01
[10:57:42.868] Src Addr : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.869] Payload size : 00 (0)
[10:57:42.871] Attr ID : 0007 (Local Time)
[10:57:42.871] Command : 00 (Read Attributes)
[10:57:42.872] ## INFO: Unimplemented raw command [00] for addr=15B7, payload is [0700], sending heartbeat

[10:57:42.963] <= [01 80 12 00 0A CF 00 01 01 02 15 B7 F7 00 00 00 03]
[10:57:42.965] Msg Type : 8012 (Data Confirm)
[10:57:42.968] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:42.969] Src Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.971] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.971] Dest Addr mode : 02 (Short)
[10:57:42.971] Destination address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.974] SQN : F7

[10:57:42.977] <= [01 80 11 00 08 C7 00 15 B7 01 00 0A F7 00 03]
[10:57:42.978] Msg Type : 8011 (Ack Data)
[10:57:42.978] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:42.979] Destination Address : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:42.980] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:42.980] Cluster ID : 000A (General: Time)
[10:57:42.980] SQN : F7

[10:57:43.387] <= [01 80 02 00 1B 51 00 01 04 EF 00 01 01 02 15 B7 02 00 00 09 B2 02 00 65 05 02 00 04 00 00 00 19 46 03]
[10:57:43.389] Msg Type : 8002 (Raw Command)
[10:57:43.390] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:43.391] Profile : 0104 (Home Automation)
[10:57:43.391] Cluster ID : EF00 (Tuya Cluster)
[10:57:43.391] Src Endpont : 01
[10:57:43.392] Src Addr : 15B7 (Currently Joining Node)
[10:57:43.393] Payload size : 09 (9)
[10:57:43.394] ## INFO: Tuya Data Type is [02]->[VALUE]
[10:57:43.394] ## ERROR: Unknown Tuya Cluster attribute [05], payload is [00650502000400000019]

[10:57:43.484] <= [01 80 12 00 0A EB 00 01 01 02 15 B7 F8 00 00 2B 03]
[10:57:43.485] Msg Type : 8012 (Data Confirm)
[10:57:43.485] Status : 00 (Success)
[10:57:43.486] Src Endpoint : 01
[10:57:43.486] Dest Endpoint : 01
[10:57:43.486] Dest Addr mode : 02 (Short)

Puis d'un appui sur le bouton de la sonde (ce qui doit provoquer une mesure je pense).
Code : Tout sélectionner
[11:44:38.541] <= [01 80 02 00 1B 36 00 01 04 EF 00 01 01 02 15 B7 02 00 00 09 C2 02 00 75 05 02 00 04 00 00 00 19 41 03]
[11:44:38.544] Msg Type : 8002 (Raw Command)
[11:44:38.547] Status : 00 (Success)
[11:44:38.548] Profile : 0104 (Home Automation)
[11:44:38.558] Cluster ID : EF00 (Tuya Cluster)
[11:44:38.558] Src Endpont : 01
[11:44:38.561] Src Addr : 15B7 (Température Zigbee terre Jardin)
[11:44:38.562] Payload size : 09 (9)
[11:44:38.567] ## INFO: Tuya Data Type is [02]->[VALUE]
[11:44:38.567] ## ERROR: Unknown Tuya Cluster attribute [05], payload is [00750502000400000019]

[11:44:38.629] <= [01 80 12 00 0A 1E 00 01 01 02 15 B7 26 00 00 00 03]
[11:44:38.635] Msg Type : 8012 (Data Confirm)
[11:44:38.635] Status : 00 (Success)
[11:44:38.637] Src Endpoint : 01
[11:44:38.637] Dest Endpoint : 01
[11:44:38.637] Dest Addr mode : 02 (Short)
[11:44:38.638] Destination address : 15B7 (Température Zigbee terre Jardin)
[11:44:38.639] SQN : 26

[11:44:38.648] <= [01 80 12 00 0A 1F 00 01 01 02 15 B7 27 00 00 00 03]
[11:44:38.649] Msg Type : 8012 (Data Confirm)
[11:44:38.649] Status : 00 (Success)
[11:44:38.650] Src Endpoint : 01
[11:44:38.650] Dest Endpoint : 01
[11:44:38.650] Dest Addr mode : 02 (Short)
[11:44:38.650] Destination address : 15B7 (Température Zigbee terre Jardin)
[11:44:38.651] SQN : 27

[11:44:38.658] <= [01 80 11 00 08 F3 00 15 B7 01 EF 00 26 00 03]
[11:44:38.659] Msg Type : 8011 (Ack Data)
[11:44:38.659] Status : 00 (Success)
[11:44:38.660] Destination Address : 15B7 (Température Zigbee terre Jardin)
[11:44:38.661] Dest Endpoint : 01
[11:44:38.661] Cluster ID : EF00 (Tuya Cluster)
[11:44:38.661] SQN : 26

[11:44:38.670] <= [01 80 11 00 08 F2 00 15 B7 01 EF 00 27 00 03]
[11:44:38.671] Msg Type : 8011 (Ack Data)
[11:44:38.671] Status : 00 (Success)
[11:44:38.672] Destination Address : 15B7 (Température Zigbee terre Jardin)
[11:44:38.672] Dest Endpoint : 01
[11:44:38.672] Cluster ID : EF00 (Tuya Cluster)
[11:44:38.673] SQN : 27

[11:44:38.690] <= [01 80 02 00 1B 2A 00 01 04 EF 00 01 01 02 15 B7 02 00 00 09 C3 02 00 76 03 02 00 04 00 00 00 00 40 03]
[11:44:38.692] Msg Type : 8002 (Raw Command)
[11:44:38.693] Status : 00 (Success)
[11:44:38.693] Profile : 0104 (Home Automation)
[11:44:38.694] Cluster ID : EF00 (Tuya Cluster)
[11:44:38.694] Src Endpont : 01
[11:44:38.694] Src Addr : 15B7 (Température Zigbee terre Jardin)
[11:44:38.695] Payload size : 09 (9)
[11:44:38.695] ## INFO: Tuya Data Type is [02]->[VALUE]
[11:44:38.696] ## ERROR: Unknown Tuya Cluster attribute [03], payload is [00760302000400000000]

[11:44:38.742] <= [01 80 12 00 0A 10 00 01 01 02 15 B7 28 00 00 00 03]
[11:44:38.745] Msg Type : 8012 (Data Confirm)
[11:44:38.745] Status : 00 (Success)
[11:44:38.746] Src Endpoint : 01
[11:44:38.746] Dest Endpoint : 01
[11:44:38.747] Dest Addr mode : 02 (Short)
[11:44:38.747] Destination address : 15B7 (Température Zigbee terre Jardin)
[11:44:38.749] SQN : 28

[11:44:38.766] <= [01 80 12 00 0A 47 00 01 01 02 15 B7 29 00 00 56 03]
[11:44:38.767] Msg Type : 8012 (Data Confirm)
[11:44:38.767] Status : 00 (Success)
[11:44:38.768] Src Endpoint : 01
[11:44:38.768] Dest Endpoint : 01
[11:44:38.769] Dest Addr mode : 02 (Short)
[11:44:38.769] Destination address : 15B7 (Température Zigbee terre Jardin)
[11:44:38.769] SQN : 29

[11:44:38.777] <= [01 80 11 00 08 FD 00 15 B7 01 EF 00 28 00 03]
[11:44:38.778] Msg Type : 8011 (Ack Data)
[11:44:38.778] Status : 00 (Success)
[11:44:38.779] Destination Address : 15B7 (Température Zigbee terre Jardin)
[11:44:38.780] Dest Endpoint : 01
[11:44:38.780] Cluster ID : EF00 (Tuya Cluster)
[11:44:38.785] SQN : 28

[11:44:38.797] <= [01 80 11 00 08 FC 00 15 B7 01 EF 00 29 00 03]
[11:44:38.798] Msg Type : 8011 (Ack Data)
[11:44:38.799] Status : 00 (Success)
[11:44:38.800] Destination Address : 15B7 (Température Zigbee terre Jardin)
[11:44:38.800] Dest Endpoint : 01
[11:44:38.800] Cluster ID : EF00 (Tuya Cluster)
[11:44:38.801] SQN : 29

[11:44:38.821] <= [01 80 02 00 1B 47 00 01 04 EF 00 01 01 02 15 B7 02 00 00 09 C4 02 00 77 0F 02 00 04 00 00 00 64 43 03]
[11:44:38.822] Msg Type : 8002 (Raw Command)
[11:44:38.822] Status : 00 (Success)
[11:44:38.823] Profile : 0104 (Home Automation)
[11:44:38.823] Cluster ID : EF00 (Tuya Cluster)
[11:44:38.824] Src Endpont : 01
[11:44:38.825] Src Addr : 15B7 (Température Zigbee terre Jardin)
[11:44:38.827] Payload size : 09 (9)
[11:44:38.827] ## INFO: Tuya Data Type is [02]->[VALUE]
[11:44:38.827] ## ERROR: Unknown Tuya Cluster attribute [0F], payload is [00770F02000400000064]

[11:44:38.871] <= [01 80 12 00 0A 44 00 01 01 02 15 B7 2A 00 00 56 03]
[11:44:38.875] Msg Type : 8012 (Data Confirm)
[11:44:38.876] Status : 00 (Success)
[11:44:38.876] Src Endpoint : 01
[11:44:38.877] Dest Endpoint : 01
[11:44:38.877] Dest Addr mode : 02 (Short)
[11:44:38.877] Destination address : 15B7 (Température Zigbee terre Jardin)
[11:44:38.878] SQN : 2A

[11:44:38.893] <= [01 80 12 00 0A 13 00 01 01 02 15 B7 2B 00 00 00 03]
[11:44:38.893] Msg Type : 8012 (Data Confirm)
[11:44:38.894] Status : 00 (Success)
[11:44:38.894] Src Endpoint : 01
[11:44:38.895] Dest Endpoint : 01
[11:44:38.895] Dest Addr mode : 02 (Short)
[11:44:38.895] Destination address : 15B7 (Température Zigbee terre Jardin)
[11:44:38.896] SQN : 2B

[11:44:38.904] <= [01 80 11 00 08 FF 00 15 B7 01 EF 00 2A 00 03]
[11:44:38.905] Msg Type : 8011 (Ack Data)
[11:44:38.905] Status : 00 (Success)
[11:44:38.906] Destination Address : 15B7 (Température Zigbee terre Jardin)
[11:44:38.907] Dest Endpoint : 01
[11:44:38.907] Cluster ID : EF00 (Tuya Cluster)
[11:44:38.907] SQN : 2A

[11:44:38.915] <= [01 80 11 00 08 FE 00 15 B7 01 EF 00 2B 00 03]
[11:44:38.915] Msg Type : 8011 (Ack Data)
[11:44:38.916] Status : 00 (Success)
[11:44:38.916] Destination Address : 15B7 (Température Zigbee terre Jardin)
[11:44:38.917] Dest Endpoint : 01
[11:44:38.917] Cluster ID : EF00 (Tuya Cluster)
[11:44:38.918] SQN : 2B

[11:44:38.933] <= [01 80 02 00 18 2F 00 01 04 EF 00 01 01 02 15 B7 02 00 00 09 C5 02 00 78 0E 04 00 01 02 42 03]
[11:44:38.934] Msg Type : 8002 (Raw Command)
[11:44:38.935] Status : 00 (Success)
[11:44:38.936] Profile : 0104 (Home Automation)
[11:44:38.936] Cluster ID : EF00 (Tuya Cluster)
[11:44:38.937] Src Endpont : 01
[11:44:38.937] Src Addr : 15B7 (Température Zigbee terre Jardin)
[11:44:38.938] Payload size : 09 (9)
[11:44:38.938] ## INFO: Tuya Data Type is [04]->[ENUM]
[11:44:38.939] ## ERROR: Unknown Tuya Cluster attribute [0E], payload is [00780E04000102]

[11:44:38.995] <= [01 80 12 00 0A 42 00 01 01 02 15 B7 2C 00 00 56 03]
[11:44:39.001] Msg Type : 8012 (Data Confirm)
[11:44:39.003] Status : 00 (Success)
[11:44:39.004] Src Endpoint : 01
[11:44:39.005] Dest Endpoint : 01
[11:44:39.005] Dest Addr mode : 02 (Short)
[11:44:39.006] Destination address : 15B7 (Température Zigbee terre Jardin)
[11:44:39.007] SQN : 2C

[11:44:39.018] <= [01 80 12 00 0A 15 00 01 01 02 15 B7 2D 00 00 00 03]
[11:44:39.019] Msg Type : 8012 (Data Confirm)
[11:44:39.019] Status : 00 (Success)
[11:44:39.022] Src Endpoint : 01
[11:44:39.022] Dest Endpoint : 01
[11:44:39.022] Dest Addr mode : 02 (Short)
[11:44:39.023] Destination address : 15B7 (Température Zigbee terre Jardin)
[11:44:39.023] SQN : 2D

[11:44:39.030] <= [01 80 11 00 08 F9 00 15 B7 01 EF 00 2C 00 03]
[11:44:39.031] Msg Type : 8011 (Ack Data)
[11:44:39.031] Status : 00 (Success)
[11:44:39.033] Destination Address : 15B7 (Température Zigbee terre Jardin)
[11:44:39.033] Dest Endpoint : 01
[11:44:39.033] Cluster ID : EF00 (Tuya Cluster)
[11:44:39.034] SQN : 2C

[11:44:39.041] <= [01 80 11 00 08 F8 00 15 B7 01 EF 00 2D 00 03]
[11:44:39.041] Msg Type : 8011 (Ack Data)
[11:44:39.042] Status : 00 (Success)
[11:44:39.043] Destination Address : 15B7 (Température Zigbee terre Jardin)
[11:44:39.044] Dest Endpoint : 01
[11:44:39.044] Cluster ID : EF00 (Tuya Cluster)
[11:44:39.045] SQN : 2D

Il semble que des détails pour le périphérique soit enregistré dans /etc/eedomus/zigbee/15B7_include_details mais je ne sais pas comment accéder à ce fichier :?:

Une petite aide serait la bienvenue ;)

Merci !

Edit: Elle ressemble furieusement à la sonde Rehent qui fonctionne sur HA avec une clé zigbee pop
https://blog.domadoo.fr/100484-capteur- ... hent-tuya/
Messages : 40
Inscription : 27 Juil 2016

Re: [sonde Ruelen/Rehent] Sonde de sol humidité/température

Messagepar SoicnarfB » 10 Juin 2023 12:07

Juste un petit update:
la sonde fonctionne super bien avec la Zigate branchée sur un home assistant.
Messages : 40
Inscription : 27 Juil 2016

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