Horia a écrit:Not knowing the SLA/PKIs they target, the easiest is to assume we have to relax, hence my suggestion for 60 min synch on MasterData and the DeviceCounter.
I am almost now sure this is where the issues came from, because I did not change passwords, did not touch anything else, but relax the API frequency on the Somfy Cloud.
I am almost now sure this is where the issues came from, because I did not change passwords, did not touch anything else, but relax the API frequency on the Somfy Cloud.
Harzhal a écrit:J'ai vu qu'il y avait une mise à jour Somfy à faire mais ça ne change rien alors je me dis que je vais être obligé de passer à la version V3 parce que la V2 est maintenant complètement obsolète ou est-il encore possible de corriger ce problème de liaison...
Dom-54 a écrit:Dommage que les personnes compétentes soient plutôt … absentes pour essayer d’aider les utilisateurs de LEUR développement!
Herric a écrit:Mais avant, comme tu est blacklisté, après avoir fait la mise à jour + vérifié tes accès via l'appli ou le web somfy, coupe ta box pendant 1h.
Une fois la situation redevenue normal en V2, tu pourras passer en V3.
Herric a écrit:Horia a écrit:Not knowing the SLA/PKIs they target, the easiest is to assume we have to relax, hence my suggestion for 60 min synch on MasterData and the DeviceCounter.
I am almost now sure this is where the issues came from, because I did not change passwords, did not touch anything else, but relax the API frequency on the Somfy Cloud.
Hello @Horia,
sorry to disagree with you but your analysis is wrong.
As I wrote in a previous post : The somfy API is sensitive to the number of logins, not to the number of requests.
The V2 and V3 of the script are based on a single login + a registration to cloud events (fetch requests).
- A login to the cloud is valid for only 2 minutes.
- Fetch requests keep the connection active if they occur during these 2 minutes.
The script polling interval is set to 1 minute because this is the minimum that eedomus accepts. But it could be less without any problem. With the same API, the somfy interface is doing a polling every second.
If you set le master Data polling to more than 1 minute (let's say 15 or 60 minutes) , this will lead to perform a login at every polling + a full setup of every devices, and no registration to cloud events.
That is, in fact, a come back to the V1.
You wrote :I am almost now sure this is where the issues came from, because I did not change passwords, did not touch anything else, but relax the API frequency on the Somfy Cloud.
This is because you were blaklisted by the somfy cloud. When blacklisted, it's difficult to comme back to normal, even in current V3.0.0.
Setting the polling to 60 min can be usefull, just as turning off your eedomus or you box for 60 minutes.
But turning off the box is more efficient because you prevent any eedomus device or rule to perform any request.
V3 is far more resistant to being blacklisted by the somfy cloud, but there are still a few cases that can occur. You may have experienced such a case.
This is why we are still working on the script (even if I'm not so frequently active on the forum).
I you are not yet in V3, I highly recommand to migrate and let the polling 1 min.
Doing so, you will be ready if a new version is released.
I hope this post helped understanding how it works.
Horia a écrit:Meanwhile what can cause the blacklisting in the somfy cloud?
Since I updated the polling time to 60 min I did not see any blacklisting nor any changes on the master data or devices counter nor any issues for control, including the dashboard in the somfy app. In my case I have 24 from the master data and usually below 10 per day for the device control. Thanks, Horia
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