Problems with macro activation

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Problems with macro activation

Messagepar Surgi1971 » 03 Jan 2022 20:41

Good morning everyone and Happy New Year!

I am creating a home presence simulation system and the idea is that the lights go on when it is night in a certain sequence.

To do this, I have created a macro that affects different actuators (figures 1 and 2) and a rule that triggers the macro according to the value of the virtual peripheral "dawn / dusk" (figure 3).

The problem I have is that the macro does not fire when it gets dark. I have verified that the macro works when I activate it "manually", so I assume that the problem must be in the virtual peripheral "dawn / dusk"; however, I think I have it well configured for my city (figure 4) and the more I think about it, the less able I am to find the problem. Can you give me a hand? Thanks!!
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4.jpg (39.04 Kio) Consulté 12016 fois
3.jpg (47.88 Kio) Consulté 12016 fois
2.jpg (118.76 Kio) Consulté 12016 fois
Imagen 1.jpg
Imagen 1.jpg (46.01 Kio) Consulté 12016 fois
Messages : 2
Inscription : 03 Jan 2022

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