Forum eedomus

Reset electricity consumption memory on Fibaro RGBW
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Auteur:  davsdom [ 06 Août 2020 11:58 ]
Sujet du message:  Reset electricity consumption memory on Fibaro RGBW

dear all
any idea to reset the electricity consumption memory from eedomus controller.
I'm trying to avoid reseting the whole device. thanks in advance.
Auteur:  thrymartin [ 06 Août 2020 19:41 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Reset electricity consumption memory on Fibaro RGBW

perif: config/config z-wave/meter reset
(set expert mode before)
Auteur:  davsdom [ 06 Août 2020 19:49 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Reset electricity consumption memory on Fibaro RGBW

THANKS for your answer. I did it, but it seems it didn't solve the issue. several dimmers show weird data in consumption since 10 months ago...
any other idea?? thanks!
Auteur:  thrymartin [ 07 Août 2020 08:32 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Reset electricity consumption memory on Fibaro RGBW

on fibaro : config / z-wave


have you seen:

Auteur:  davsdom [ 07 Août 2020 08:39 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Reset electricity consumption memory on Fibaro RGBW


Seems the memory was deleted , but it seems it's not been updated !-(
now the fibaro RGBW shows 2.7W from 13 hours ago...but if I power off the device, it doen't show 0's fixed to 13 hours ago when I deleted the memory.

checked these other settings and polling enabled
N° du paramètre=[44] Contestado Number=[44] Size=[2] Value=[30] Power load reporting frequency
N° du paramètre=[45] Contestado Number=[45] Size=[1] Value=[10] Reporting changes in energy consumed by controlled devices

maybe it's a firmare problem? I have the same issue with all fibaro RGBW I have...other devices are ok with power consupmtion reports...

any option to update fibaro device firmware without fibaro home center???
thanks for your help!
Auteur:  thrymartin [ 09 Août 2020 06:21 ]
Sujet du message:  Re: Reset electricity consumption memory on Fibaro RGBW


Apparently the question has already been asked and it looks like the meter_reset command is not working.

The module must be completely reset

(google translate)
Resetting the FIBARO RGBW Controller does not mean that it has been deleted from the memory of the Z-Wave network controller. It is best to remove the FIBARO RGBW Controller from the Z-Wave network controller memory before performing the reset procedure.

Disconnect the power supply from the device
Press and hold button B
Connect power to the device while holding button B
Release button B
Channel B (blue) will engage
Disconnect the power supply from the device
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