par davsdom » 07 Août 2020 08:39
Seems the memory was deleted , but it seems it's not been updated !-(
now the fibaro RGBW shows 2.7W from 13 hours ago...but if I power off the device, it doen't show 0's fixed to 13 hours ago when I deleted the memory.
checked these other settings and polling enabled
N° du paramètre=[44] Contestado Number=[44] Size=[2] Value=[30] Power load reporting frequency
N° du paramètre=[45] Contestado Number=[45] Size=[1] Value=[10] Reporting changes in energy consumed by controlled devices
maybe it's a firmare problem? I have the same issue with all fibaro RGBW I have...other devices are ok with power consupmtion reports...
any option to update fibaro device firmware without fibaro home center???
thanks for your help!