Fibaro Motion Sensor (FGMS-001) Battery FYI for comments

Everything about Z-Wave radio devices with eedomus

Fibaro Motion Sensor (FGMS-001) Battery FYI for comments

Messagepar Horia » 12 Nov 2022 11:32

Hi All,

I have many Fibaro sensors installed. Since 20219, I timed based (5min interval) or disabled when not required their temperature and light updates, and saw battery improvements.

For some of them, where there is constant movement, a battery from January 2020, arrived to be 3% in August 2022 and I decided to keep it see what happens. Even now, it shows 3%, almost 3 months past. In other cases where there is less movement last battery change was almost 4 years away...

The only disturbance is to see in the web and app UIs the notifications for the low battery levels...They start from below 10%, and is annoying to close them. In my view, eedomus should enable customisable notification levels, and as last resort we have the notification for when the sensor has not communicated over a configured time.

All this as FYI and open for comments,

Thanks, and best regards, Horia
Maison avec eedomus+, 200 dispositifs(60 en zwave/+, 10 en RFXcom, 5 cameras, les restes virtuel), automatisation éclairage, sécurité maison, environnement, access, chauffage, notifications, agenda.
Messages : 129
Inscription : 26 Jan 2016

Re: Fibaro Motion Sensor (FGMS-001) Battery FYI for comments

Messagepar fullpower » 12 Nov 2022 14:11

Hello Horia,

Indeed it could be an evolution I think easy to set up and useful !
Personally I unchecked the non-communication alerts on certain devices on battery... and either the battery is completely empty or unchecking means that I no longer have a low battery alert...


Messages : 1206
Inscription : 11 Déc 2015

Re: Fibaro Motion Sensor (FGMS-001) Battery FYI for comments

Messagepar lyly19 » 29 Juin 2024 02:59

You should contact Eedomus support to suggest a custom low-battery notification feature. In the meantime, you can check and turn off notifications in the app's settings or web interface if this option is available. This will help reduce annoyance from low battery notifications and focus on monitoring more important devices.
Messages : 2
Inscription : 29 Juin 2024

Re: Fibaro Motion Sensor (FGMS-001) Battery FYI for comments

Messagepar whippackage » 29 Juil 2024 09:31

Actually this problem is now fixed quite well in the new updated version. Thank you for sharing it for everyone to take notegeometry dash. Normally these technical errors should contact the supplier to fix quickly.
Messages : 1
Inscription : 29 Juil 2024

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