Hi, weird, I dont have a Hue but I installed the script and I had no problem
try to manually put the script hue_include.php
- Code : Tout sélectionner
<!-- * * This php script is part of the eedomus scripting tools. * It helps create a new user for the hue bridge. * This user will be used later to control the hue lights. * --> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>hue and eedomus</title>
<style> html { background:#222; color: #fff; font-family: "proxima-nova","Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; }
header, section {width: 100%; display: block;} header img, header h1 {display: inline; margin: 25px; vertical-align: middle;} section {margin-left: 25px;} form label, form input, form button {margin: 15px 0px; display: block;} a:link, a:visited { color: #0078e7; } a:hover { color: red; }
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</head> <body>
<header> <img alt="Hue Personal Wireless Lighting" src="https://secure.eedomus.com/sdk/plugins/hue/hue-logo.png"> <h1>Philips hue and eedomus</h1> </header>
<section> <?php
$exec = $_GET['exec']; $hue_bridge_ip = $_GET['hue-bridge-ip']; $hue_username = getArg('user_name'); $hue_controller_id = $_GET['controller_id']; $step = $_GET['step'];
if($exec === null || $exec === "") { echo "<p>The script cannont execute correctly</p>"; } else {
if($hue_bridge_ip === null || $hue_bridge_ip === "") { // Ask for hue bridge ip address echo "<form>"; echo "<fieldset>"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"exec\" value=\"$exec\">"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"step\" value=\"1\">"; //echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"user_name\" value=\"$hue_username\">"; if($hue_controller_id !== null) echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"controller_id\" value=\"$hue_controller_id\">"; echo "<label for=\"hue-bridge-ip\">Please enter your hue ip address:</label>"; echo "<input id=\"hue-bridge-ip\" type=\"text\" name=\"hue-bridge-ip\" placeholder=\"192.168.0.*\">"; echo "<button type=\"submit\">Submit</button>"; echo "</fieldset>"; echo "</form>";
} else { // Path to hue api $hue_http_begin = 'http://'.$hue_bridge_ip.'/api';
// Create user "eedomushue" // Notice: username contains at least 10 characters $jsonResponse = httpQuery($hue_http_begin, 'POST', "{\"devicetype\":\"domotique\"}"); //var_dump($step, $jsonResponse); $jsonResponse = substr( $jsonResponse , 1 , -1 );
// From JSON to XML format $xmlResponse = jsonToXML($jsonResponse);
// Search useful info thanks to XPATH and print $error = null; $success = null;
if($step == 1) { $error = xpath($xmlResponse, "/root/error/description"); } else if($step == 2) { $success = xpath($xmlResponse, "/root/success/username"); if ($success == '') // TICKET #76805 { $error = xpath($xmlResponse, "/root/error/description"); } else { $hue_username = $success; } } if($error === "link button not pressed") {
$url_to_call = "http://localhost/script/?exec=$exec&step=2&hue-bridge-ip=$hue_bridge_ip&user_name=$hue_username"; if($hue_controller_id !== null) $url_to_call .= "&controller_id=$hue_controller_id";
// The bridge central button needs to be pressed echo "<form>"; echo "<fieldset>"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"url\" value=\"$url_to_call\">"; if($hue_controller_id !== null) echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"controller_id\" value=\"$hue_controller_id\">"; echo "<label>Please press the button on the bridge and confirm.</label>"; echo "<button type=\"submit\">Confirm</button>"; echo "</fieldset>"; echo "</form>"; } else if($success == $hue_username) {
// The user has been created successfully
// Message to display echo "<p>"; echo "User successfully created or already exists.<br/>"; echo "The HUE bridge is ready and accepts user \"$hue_username\".<br/>"; echo "You can now use \"$hue_username\" to control your lights!<br/>"; echo "Please see the official hue documentation at: "; echo "<a href=\"http://developers.meethue.com/\">http://developers.meethue.com/</a>"; echo "</p>";
// List available lamps
echo "<p>Here is a list of the available lamps with their id:</p>"; echo "<ul>"; // Get lamp list $hue_http_begin = 'http://'.$hue_bridge_ip.'/api/'.$hue_username.'/lights'; $jsonResponse = httpQuery($hue_http_begin); $json = sdk_json_decode($jsonResponse); foreach($json as $lamp_id => $lamp) { echo "<li>Id : ".$lamp_id.", Name : ".$lamp['name']."</li>"; } echo "</ul>"; echo "<br><p>Here is a list of the available groups with their id:</p>"; echo "<ul>"; // Get group list $hue_http_begin = 'http://'.$hue_bridge_ip.'/api/'.$hue_username.'/groups'; $jsonResponse = httpQuery($hue_http_begin); $json = sdk_json_decode($jsonResponse); foreach($json as $group_id => $group) { echo "<li>Id : ".$group_id.", Name : ".$group['name']."</li>"; }
echo "</ul>"; } else {
// Unknown state or error // Button provided to try again $url_to_call = "http://localhost/script/?exec=$exec&step=1&hue-bridge-ip=$hue_bridge_ip&user_name=$hue_username"; if($hue_controller_id !== null) $url_to_call .= "&controller_id=$hue_controller_id";
echo "<p>An error occured. Please try again. [$error]</p>"; echo "<form>"; echo "<fieldset>"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"url\" value=\"$url_to_call\">"; if($hue_controller_id !== null) echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"controller_id\" value=\"$hue_controller_id\">"; echo "<button type=\"submit\">Try again</button>"; echo "</fieldset>"; echo "</form>"; }
} }
?> </section>
</body> </html>