Eeedomus box becomes non-working when no internet

Let's talk about the box itself

Eeedomus box becomes non-working when no internet

Messagepar ivanruban » 15 Avr 2016 12:56

My internet does not work sometimes. If the internet dissapears for a short time (minutes or some hours), the eedomus works fine again as soon the internet connection is back.

But if the internet dissapears for a longer time - for instance several days, then even when the internet is back, the box is still inaccessible and non-working!

It is also annoying that I cannot use the box when there is no internet (in LAN local mode directly from laptop using eedomus's IP and from eedomus LAN app). The box just stops responding - if there is no internet for quite long time as said.

All the other devices like mobile phones and laptops start to use the internet as soon as it appears again on the same router. It is only eedomus that do not work. The only way to get eedomus box working again is to restart it manually. But that is not always possible since I can be outside of my house for some days or weeks. When the box stop responding it also does not perform any rules. I have some relays connected to heaters so my heating becomes also stupid when it happens.

Does anybody have the same issues? :shock:
I had this problem in both my eedomus and eedomus+ boxes (I have two).

Now some words about "good eedomus support"! :(

1 March 2016 - I reported this problem to eedomus support

12 March 2016 - I asked if there is any update on my ticket. Does the same problem exist in eedomus+?

end of March 2016 - I bought eedomus+ and hoped this problem is solved in this box. But NOT - when I tested it again I discovered the same problem even in this new box.

12 April 2016 - I updated the ticket with the information that another box (eedomus+) has the same problem.
NO ANSWER! (today is 15 april!)

Common eedomus guys! Do you just ignore the tickets that you don't like or don't want to process??? :evil:

I have now two premium accounts (eedomus and eedomus+ boxes), but it does not feel as you look at this problem at all!
Messages : 16
Inscription : 08 Juil 2014

Re: Eeedomus box becomes non-working when no internet

Messagepar enr37 » 28 Avr 2016 11:49

in fact,in the french board, eedomus team wrote that they never answer a problem when the issue is the client fault. it seems that your the only one to have this issue. nobody in the french one do have it.
can you in your android or iOs get the "LAN" writings ? can you get in LAN your eedomus boxes ?
actionnaire de photoshop. partageur des 450 icones sur abavala et dans votre box.
Le savoir ne vaut que s'il est partagé par tous !
Messages : 1351
Inscription : 06 Juin 2013
Localisation : 37

Re: Eeedomus box becomes non-working when no internet

Messagepar ivanruban » 28 Avr 2016 17:57

enr37 a écrit:in fact,in the french board, eedomus team wrote that they never answer a problem when the issue is the client fault. it seems that your the only one to have this issue. nobody in the french one do have it.
can you in your android or iOs get the "LAN" writings ? can you get in LAN your eedomus boxes ?

Thanks a lot for this information. At least I would expect an answer "the problem is most likely related to your router or your local configuration..." or something like this. But at least I know why they just ignore my emails. Now it is almost two months, a lot of emails and still no answer by the way. :cry:

Regarding the LAN access - the box is still accessible by IP address in the local LAN during some time (a day or a couple of days) after the internet connection is lost. But as soon as it comes to a "bad state" - the box becomes inaccessible also from LAN. And even when the internet is back again - the device is still in this "bad state" and just blinks red lamp all the time. So in bad state it is not accessible from both LAN and via The only way to get it working - manually restart it (unlpug and plug back the power cable).

Both my eedomus boxes are bought in Sweden: eedomus and eedomus+. They both have this problem when the internet is offline for a couple of days. If we speak about a "client fault" then I can suspect the router as the source of the problem. BUT the interesting thing is that - as soon as the internet is back, my other local resources connected to the same router (a Windows PC, Sonos bridge, ethernet via LAN) start work again just fine! WiFi devices work also fine. So it is only eedomus boxes (both) that hangs and do not respond. :geek:

The router is 4G Huawei b593s-22 connected to Swedish 4G.

Once again thousand thanks for the response! I fell myself really alone on this forum without the French knowledge. :)
Messages : 16
Inscription : 08 Juil 2014

Re: Eeedomus box becomes non-working when no internet

Messagepar enr37 » 28 Avr 2016 19:24

You're welcome.
In fact I have to look for where but team wrote that if the answer is in the forum or wiki, you have to find yourself on your own. If the issue is real bad, they ll answer you.
Secondly, I had your problem few days ago and I post an issue on the board. I had some connexion issues and the box was still blinking red, blue, red... I found a solution but I I want to look further, if I have a real electricity issue, the box will not coming back.
Third, for the support issue, it's been a while. Since eedomus+ coming out. I have to warn you that connected object is a little firm with less than 10 peoples. I think they do their best but they are submerged. Don't worry it s a real problem in the French board and becoming a big one these days with angry people.
For now, I can tell you, and assure you that franchise are leaders and eedomus is certainly the best one with very good evolutions.
By the way do you use my icons? Is it easy to use for you. Sorry but it's mostly French subtitled but some can be used.
Is there any small Swedish smart home community there?

Post répondu via tapatalk
actionnaire de photoshop. partageur des 450 icones sur abavala et dans votre box.
Le savoir ne vaut que s'il est partagé par tous !
Messages : 1351
Inscription : 06 Juin 2013
Localisation : 37

Re: Eeedomus box becomes non-working when no internet

Messagepar anne-marie » 28 Avr 2016 20:32

This is the issue I have raised in another post. All of us would like to know if our ticket has been taken into consideration and when the problem would be be resolved. Sometimes answer is immediate and sometimes, no answer. This is very frustrating. I really understand you.
Your problem is very specific and as you expect, it is probably linked to your internet box.
Anyway, the Eedomus team has to take this particular issue into consideration. Otherwise their business could be limited to France which is not their objective I guess....
Good luck and best regards
Netatmo - Nabaztag2 - Karotz - Mirror - caméras IP - Zwave - RFXCOM - zigate - ecodevice - Enocean - orvibo - connexoon- google Home - Echo - yeelight etc....
Messages : 2462
Inscription : 19 Fév 2014
Localisation : 77

Re: Eeedomus box becomes non-working when no internet

Messagepar popix » 29 Avr 2016 09:14


It is a fact that 4G routing is very specific, and most of the time you have NAT issue with the WAN connection, it depends on your provider but here in France its very complicated for example to get access from the outside with this type of connection.
I think your problem come from that.
Do you have any friend with the eedomus and DSL or cable Internet connection ? Does they have the same issue ?
Is there a way for you to try your eedomus box to another house with standard Internet connection (parents, friends)? So you can etablish the responsability of the 4G routing ?

Messages : 409
Inscription : 15 Fév 2014

Re: Eeedomus box becomes non-working when no internet

Messagepar ivanruban » 29 Avr 2016 13:55

anne-marie a écrit:Hi,
This is the issue I have raised in another post. All of us would like to know if our ticket has been taken into consideration and when the problem would be be resolved. Sometimes answer is immediate and sometimes, no answer. This is very frustrating. I really understand you.
Your problem is very specific and as you expect, it is probably linked to your internet box.
Anyway, the Eedomus team has to take this particular issue into consideration. Otherwise their business could be limited to France which is not their objective I guess....
Good luck and best regards

Thank you. I am actually lucky and got two responses today. One more email and also post here probably move the ticket forward so I got two answers anyway!

But there is anyway a general problem with ignoring the cases by support. It is not the first time when I have this "no answer" behavior for months. Good to know at least that I am not alone.

Answer 1
All the data are stored temporarily in the box until the connection is back. We have tested several days of no internet connection on test gateways. After some days, depending on the configuration, we have noticed the amount of waiting data slows the system until probably a freezing in your case.
We will improve the situation in future versions (probably by erasing the historical data).

It is probably no the case in your situation, but when the internet connection is lost, the internal clock may be lost if the power is also down during several hours. The absence of time prevents some functions based on agenda. The time can be set back through the local interface.
The behaviour in disconnected cases are difficult to analyse, as we lack information. We will reproduce this type of situation in our test bench.

So there is anyway an idea why it can happen and it is actively tested in the lab. Very good, exactly what I wanted to hear! ;)

Answer 2
In the second answer I got the recommendation to fix the box network configuration (set it to manual) which is available in http://IP_ADRESS/config I was actually not aware about this feature. So I have tried to apply the new settings anyway. :geek:

popix a écrit:Hi,

It is a fact that 4G routing is very specific, and most of the time you have NAT issue with the WAN connection, it depends on your provider but here in France its very complicated for example to get access from the outside with this type of connection.
I think your problem come from that.
Do you have any friend with the eedomus and DSL or cable Internet connection ? Does they have the same issue ?
Is there a way for you to try your eedomus box to another house with standard Internet connection (parents, friends)? So you can etablish the responsability of the 4G routing ?


Accessing the router itself from internet and also connecting home via TeamViewer works just fine for me via 4G.

I guess you are most likely right - the 4G modem can be the source of the problem. Thousand thanks for the idea with the test - if it works fine on the regular router (fiber or ADSL), then the problem is in my 4G router anyway. The only difficulty is that I have to ask friend to put eedomus in the router and then disconnect router from internet for a couple of days - probably he will not be happy with that :lol: But I will solve it in some way.
I also hope that the manual configuration (I mentioned it in Answer 2 above) can fix the problem.
Messages : 16
Inscription : 08 Juil 2014

Re: Eeedomus box becomes non-working when no internet

Messagepar enr37 » 29 Avr 2016 23:41

At home I use both ways. Fixing ip with the router, and by giving the eedomus the ip they should have.
Is the wiki translated in English??

Post répondu via tapatalk
actionnaire de photoshop. partageur des 450 icones sur abavala et dans votre box.
Le savoir ne vaut que s'il est partagé par tous !
Messages : 1351
Inscription : 06 Juin 2013
Localisation : 37

Re: Eeedomus box becomes non-working when no internet

Messagepar ivanruban » 02 Mai 2016 16:08

enr37 a écrit:You're welcome.
In fact I have to look for where but team wrote that if the answer is in the forum or wiki, you have to find yourself on your own. If the issue is real bad, they ll answer you.
Secondly, I had your problem few days ago and I post an issue on the board. I had some connexion issues and the box was still blinking red, blue, red... I found a solution but I I want to look further, if I have a real electricity issue, the box will not coming back.
Third, for the support issue, it's been a while. Since eedomus+ coming out. I have to warn you that connected object is a little firm with less than 10 peoples. I think they do their best but they are submerged. Don't worry it s a real problem in the French board and becoming a big one these days with angry people.

Good that I am not alone at least.
Both eedomus and eedomus+ has this issue.
Interesting that this is so small company - impressive that they created so good product!

enr37 a écrit:For now, I can tell you, and assure you that franchise are leaders and eedomus is certainly the best one with very good evolutions.
By the way do you use my icons? Is it easy to use for you. Sorry but it's mostly French subtitled but some can be used.
Is there any small Swedish smart home community there?

1. Eedomus is the best Zwave controller that I found anyway. I tried also other boxes: Vera, Zipabox and Fibaro HC2, but they are not as good anyway. I sold old my old boxes already and recently purchased the + version of eedomus despite of this critical bug related to the connectivity. So I really wish the good luck to the development team! :!:

2. What is "My icons"? It seems that I have to read and try something new... :D
What I use beside of Zwave is some EnOcean door sensors and cheap Rfx433 Mhz Nexa devices.
As for EnOcean it is absolutely not popular for some reason in Sweden (may be not enough sun? :D ) so I actually buy them from French sites.

3. There are some swedish smart home ZWave communities. But I must say that eedomus is not popular for some reason either. It was in sale for some time only in a couple of web stores in Sweden, but there were quite bad sales so they put the discounts on the boxes. I was very lucky to buy the new discontinued eedomus+ with the price 108 eur (for my first regular eedomus I paid 282 eur in the same store!). Here there are local discussions mostly about Vera and Fibaro's controllers. But as for Vera and Fibaro - they have also very good international forums in English.

enr37 a écrit:At home I use both ways. Fixing ip with the router, and by giving the eedomus the ip they should have.

I use the fixing IP with the router (so the DHCP is active but the same IP is assigned to the same MAC). But now I have also tried to set the IP in the internal eedomus IP configuration (http://IP_ADRESS/config) according to the advice from support. We'll see if it will be better. :geek:

enr37 a écrit:Is the wiki translated in English??

The document portal is translated to English anyway (or actually almost everything is translated). As for wiki - I don't know actually, I can search inside wiki but normally find the materials from
Messages : 16
Inscription : 08 Juil 2014

Re: Eeedomus box becomes non-working when no internet

Messagepar bettycooper » 15 Déc 2022 05:53

If the internet disappears for a short time (minutes or some hours), the eedomus works fine again as soon as the internet connection is back. However, if the internet connection is lost for any reason, the eedomus will not work. If you experience this issue, please contact your internet service provider and/or your home's network games
Messages : 1
Inscription : 15 Déc 2022

Re: Eeedomus box becomes non-working when no internet

Messagepar rosydam » 29 Mars 2024 10:08

bettycooper a écrit:If the internet disappears for a short time (minutes or some hours), the eedomus works fine again as soon as the internet connection is back. However, if the internet connection is lost for any reason, the eedomus will not work. If you experience this issue, please contact your internet service provider and/or your home's network administrator.slither io

Messages : 6
Inscription : 15 Mai 2023

Re: Eeedomus box becomes non-working when no internet

Messagepar lockee » 09 Avr 2024 18:26

It is a really good and useful bit of information. I appreciate you giving us this useful information. Kindly keep us informed in this manner. I appreciate you sharing.
Messages : 3
Inscription : 16 Mars 2024

Re: Eeedomus box becomes non-working when no internet

Messagepar Owenpaul » 16 Oct 2024 11:13

If the eedomus box is designed to be accessible only via the internet, this could be a limitation of the device. Check if there are settings to enable local access without an internet connection strands hint
Messages : 1
Inscription : 16 Oct 2024
Localisation : United States

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