Shell access to the box?

Discussion sur la box eedomus

Shell access to the box?

Messagepar piters » 20 Jan 2012 23:55


In the specs, EEdomus is indicated as an ARM-based box running Linux inside.
Any chance to have shell access to it (ssh/telnet)? Would definitely be a *very* attractive option for all tech-savy ones...
Messages : 4
Inscription : 20 Jan 2012
Localisation : Thoiry, France

Re: shell access to the box?

Messagepar support_eedomus » 07 Fév 2012 22:24


Our solution is not based on an open source model, so it is actually not possible.
We try to be as open as we can (API, HTTP request) and not allowing shell access is also a way to maintain the system stability.

Best regards
Image L'équipe eedomus
Messages : 561
Inscription : 09 Jan 2012
Localisation : France

Re: shell access to the box?

Messagepar domotics » 15 Fév 2012 22:55

Here is an important question.

I understand your point of view but i think that it is a bad strategy for eedomus ...

For sure some people needs to have a stable system. It is confortable and secure. You must offer it.

In another hands:
- other people have specific needs which are too complex to be implemented (no return value for connected object; not always)
- with open source community you can have more developers and be more present on the market. When a third party application is well recognize, you can retrofit it ... It is a different power ...
- some people are afraid to know that they are dependant on the editor (connected object in this case). If you open the box, they will be confident and you will sell more boxes. This point is very important because lot of boxes are coming in the market, you must secure the maximum of advantages.

Today, it is possible with the vera box. Zodianet has recently open its architecture ... you must think on it ...

We rediscuss this topic by email if you want.

Messages : 107
Inscription : 09 Jan 2012

Re: shell access to the box?

Messagepar piters » 16 Fév 2012 11:55

I could only double this opinion, and bring one more argument.

The niche of the market of customizable, programmable, advanced home-automation is probably filled with ... tech-savvy ``geeks'', for whom the "hacking value" is an important ingredient when selecting a product for a purchase. For those people, "Linux inside" (which you proudly present) is a value of its own, and the belief in open source is almost a religion.

Eedomus box would fit here perfectly, if only we had a way to do with it what we want. Look at the dd-wrt project (alternative firmware for wireless routers), which become possible because the companies decided to leave the door open for those who want to stress their imagination and challenge their technical skills.

Face it: a non-geek would probably not be interested in being able to program his home automaion system, even in a graphical way; he would ask for a integrated solution provided by specialized company, and he'd be ready to pay for it.
Messages : 4
Inscription : 20 Jan 2012
Localisation : Thoiry, France

Re: shell access to the box?

Messagepar Mistoukwak » 16 Fév 2012 13:40


I fully agree with the opinion of Piters and Domotics.

Nowadays, I am purchasing all I need for a new domotic installation (ecological self-building in progress). My system is based on fibaro zwave modules for lights and roller shutters + 4xIPX800v3 for rain water using, fans managing, etc... + programmable logic controller (PLC) Crouzet Millenium III for wood and solar heating.

Today, even if I am very interested in your eedomus box, I plan to use Homeseer for following reasons :
- no possibility to develop special scripts as for exemple the communication with my PLC (via serial port)
- at that time, no possibility to fully control IPX800v3 with return of state of relays and analogic entries (even if I have seen on this forum that you are planning to develop it asap)
- anxieties about what would be happen in case of defect on your servers or close out of your company.

As the whole installation of my system will be done in some months (only test at that time), I have decided not to buy your box immediatly and wait in order to see what position you will take face to the feedback of users.
I think I’m not alone in this case.

Anyway, I congratulate you for this wonderful box which, even if I need to ben convinced a little bit more, makes me want.


PS : I think also Piters is right when he says that users of this kind of box have some skills to make by themself the installation of their system and for this reason are interested in full customizable solutions.
Messages : 4
Inscription : 16 Fév 2012

Re: shell access to the box?

Messagepar khazai » 16 Fév 2012 19:23


désolé pour ma réponse en français, mon anglais est très mauvais. Je rejoins aussi les avis concernant l'open-source. Je suis un fervent supporter de l'open-source (linux, android, logiciels tierce...). Je prends l'exemple d'android. Tous les jours, des ROMs customs sortent sur les smarphones android et ca n’empêche pas google de continuer a développer son système. Aujourd'hui, les produits communautaires ont le vent en poupes et c'est pas près de s'arrêter. Je peux comprendre que vous craignez une certaine instabilité, pas forcement coté utilisateur qui aura lui même décidé de mettre en péril son installation mais je pense plus que vous craignez une instabilité coté serveur et donc au détriment des autres utilisateurs qui n'auront pas fait le choix de mettre une système personnalisé. Mais rien ne vous empêche d'en avertir les utilisateurs et a bannir du serveur les irrespectueux ou les inconscient, ou de mettre des verrous de sécurité. Linux, Android, nabaztag, et même des marques comme HTC n'en serait pas là aujourd'hui sans une forte communauté et l'open-source.

L'avantage de l'open source, c'est qu'on est a peut-près sur qu'un produit ne peux pas mourir si il a une communauté derrière. Bien sur, pour que la communauté s’intéresse fortement à un produit, il faut que ce produit est une "aura". Hors c'est bien le cas de l'eedomus.

C'est une question très difficile et qui ne se prends pas en 5min, mais je pense aussi que vous auriez tout à y gagner. Avoir des milliers de développeurs derrière soi gratuitement, c'est ça l'open-source....

Pour ma part, aujourd'hui on me présente par exemple, 2 logiciels identiques, l'un propriétaire, l'autre open-source, je prends ce dernier, c'est sur.
Messages : 316
Inscription : 09 Jan 2012

Re: Shell access to the box?

Messagepar cedrouck » 10 Août 2015 21:55

Ma réponse est tardive mais bon...

Oui d'autant plus que cela nous permettrai de développer nos propres fonctionnalités. Après, certe, ça serait le bordel peu être pour le support...
Mais par exemple, on pourrais reskiner a volonté l'interface qui est un petit peu vieillotte (même si elle est très fonctionnelle je l'accorde)
Autre exemple, je pourrais implémenter le support du bluetooth qui me permettrai de lâcher mon raspberry pi.
On pourrais également envisager la commande vocal...

Bref, les possibilités sont infinies.

En attendant, la eedomus reste un très bon produit, et qui plus est.... français ! Bravo !

Messages : 10
Inscription : 01 Juin 2015

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