Le support de ENPHASE m'a envoyé une documentation.
Voici la commande à utiliser :
When accessing IQ Gateway API, the web request must include the Authorization Bearer in your CURL command and the URL must include HTTPS.
The format looks like below:
Authorization: Bearer <Token Code>
• - k allow self-signed certificate • - H add http header with token Additionally, these may be helpful: • - f fail on error (gives better output in case of unauthenticated redirection) • - L follow redirects (can use http and allow https redirection)
E.g.: curl -f -k -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOi…’ -X GET
https://<IQ Gateway-ip>/api/v1/production/inverters
The token is valid only for one year to ensure safety and you must generate
API Call
Meter Details
GET https://{IQ Gateway_ip}/ivp/meters
Returns meter status, type of meter and number of phase measurements.
Meter Readings
GET https://{IQ Gateway_ip}/ivp/meters/readings
Returns measurements from production CT, storage CT and consumption CT and all are subjected to the availability of CT’s.
Inverter Production Data
GET https://{IQ Gateway_ip}/api/v1/production/inverters
Return maximum and last reported active power production information of the available microinverters.
Meter’s Live Data
GET https://{IQ Gateway_ip}/ivp/livedata/status
Returns meter’s live data with tasks and counters
Load Consumption Data
GET https://{IQ Gateway_ip}/ivp/meters/reports/consumption
Return power consumption information of the loads.
Ps: Le token peut être généré via l'interface locale