"Heating zone" programming problem ?.

Discussion sur la box eedomus

"Heating zone" programming problem ?.

Messagepar alexsunny123 » 30 Déc 2020 09:11


New to eedomus, I am facing my first noobs problem ...
I installed two modules on my eedomus box: the FGS211 fibaro directly connect to my heating in ON / OFF mode in the https://ometv.onl https://chatroulette.top https://omegle.wtf https://bazoocam.cam living room and Thermo-hygrometer ( ST814) in the living room.
Both work well in the eedomus.
However, when I want to create a new "heating zone" program, it tells me "An additional device is necessary for this type of programming:
Indoor thermometer".

Dernière édition par alexsunny123 le 05 Jan 2021 07:52, édité 1 fois.
Messages : 2
Inscription : 30 Déc 2020

Re: "Heating zone" programming problem ?.

Messagepar opa95 » 30 Déc 2020 10:53

The St814 has to be declared as "temperature" and the Fgs211 as "chauffage" and a widget as "temperature externe".
eedomus+, Zibase V1, RFP1000, RFXcom, RadioDriver CPL 630 X2D, capteurs puissance OWL, thermometres Oregon, téléinfo (USB Linky), detecteurs ouverture X2D, pilotage chauffage X2D, Ecoflow River PRO, PAC Shogun (Atlantic-Cozytouch)
Messages : 899
Inscription : 04 Fév 2019
Localisation : Val d'Oise

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