Inclusion and Camera Services Outage?

Discussion sur la box eedomus

Inclusion and Camera Services Outage?

Messagepar Horia » 13 Juin 2016 13:55


Anybody facing issues since last night with inclusions and camera related services?

In my case, the device is radio detected during inclusion process, but node device is finally added into the system, just the node (as unknown) in the routing table. Exclusions work fine.

As for camera, I can see that from last night all by FTP uploads stopped, direct access works still local and remote, my image backlog correlates with the above (i.e. I can see only images until 22:30 last night).

It seems to me that there are issues in the eedomus cloud but I wonder if I am just the only one affected.

Thanks, Horia
Messages : 129
Inscription : 26 Jan 2016

Re: Inclusion and Camera Services Outage?

Messagepar Horia » 13 Juin 2016 16:00

Strange, Cameras FTP works now once I changed FTP to passive mode. Meanwhile it worked without for 6 month until yesterday. I checked eedomus site no mention for passive mode from what I can see.
Maison avec eedomus+, 200 dispositifs(60 en zwave/+, 10 en RFXcom, 5 cameras, les restes virtuel), automatisation éclairage, sécurité maison, environnement, access, chauffage, notifications, agenda.
Messages : 129
Inscription : 26 Jan 2016

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